Saint Patrick’s Day
Категория: КультурологияКультурология

Saint Patrick’s Day. 17th of March, Ireland’s National Day

1. Saint Patrick’s Day

17th of March, Ireland’s National Day.
When everybody is Irish!

2. La Fheile Padraig

This means Saint Patrick's day in Irish. Irish is the traditional language of
Ireland. A saint it an important person in the Christian religion. Patrick is
Ireland's saint. In Ireland we often call it Paddy’s Day because Paddy is a
nickname for Patrick. Many people in Ireland are called Patrick or Paddy

3. What is Saint Patrick’s Day?

Saint Patrick's Day is an Irish festival
celebrated all over the world. Many
Irish people have moved to new
countries and today over 35 million
people around the world call
themselves Irish, especially in
America, where the Irish were one of
the largest immigrant groups. Cities
like London, Sydney, York, Chicago,
Boston and San Francisco had many
Irish emigrants, especially in the
police, politics, construction and the
fire departments.
These people celebrate being Irish
on the 17th of March, and invite
everybody else to be Irish for the day
too with parades, music and parties.

4. Who was Saint Patrick?

Saint Patrick was the patron saint of Ireland. He was the Bishop who converted the
Irish from their old religions to the Christian religion in the 5 th century AD. Today,
almost everybody in Ireland is from a Christian tradition.
Saint Patrick used a three leafed plant called shamrock to explain about the
Christian god, now that plant is a famous symbol of Ireland.
He was a British boy who was captured as a slave by Irish pirates. For many years
he worked as a Shepard but then he escaped. After many years, when he became a
bishop, he returned to Ireland to tell them about the Christian religion. There are
many magical myths and stories about his time in Ireland.

5. Where is Ireland

Ireland is a small island on the western edge of
Europe. It is in the Atlantic Ocean separated by the
Irish sea from Britain.
There are only 5 million people now but in the past
there were over 10 million, many have emigrated to
live in other countries.

6. I’m Irish.

Do you know anybody famous from Ireland or anything about

7. Today Ireland and the U.K. are two different countries.

There are 32 counties in Ireland.
26 counties are part of an
independent ‘Republic of Ireland’,
but 6 counties in the north are still
part of the ‘United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern
The independent republic of
Ireland speaks English but has it’s
own government, army and laws.
Instead of the Queen it has a
president and instead of the
pound it uses the euro.

8. The Leprechaun is a famous symbol of Ireland.

These little magical men were cheeky and mischievous. The liked
trouble, but if you caught one, he had to give you a pot of gold,
usually found under a rainbow. But be careful, if you didn’t look at
him, he could disappear. Irish mythology is full of many funny and
scary creatures and legends.

9. Conas ata tu?

This means how are you in irish. You can say ‘Ta me go maith’ (I’m

10. Irish History

Ireland has a long history full of war, famine and
In the past Ireland has been shaped by many people,
Celts from Europe, Vikings from Scandinavia, Normans
from France, Scots from Scotland and English from
In the past Ireland was part of the UK and a colony of the
British Empire, but after many years of war and
unhappiness most of Ireland became an independent
country in 1922. However the north of Ireland wanted to
remain part of the the UK and there still are problems

11. The national colour of Ireland is green.

Can you guess why? ‘Glas’ is green in Irish.

12. What is Ireland like?

Ireland is a beautiful and green land with lots of small villages, hills,
mountains, beaches, valleys castles, bays and lovely towns and cities. The
people are famous for being friendly, funny, musical and good at telling
stories. In Ireland ‘the gift of the gab’ means that you can talk a lot.
The land is described as the ‘Emerald Isle’ and having ‘forty shades of
Ireland has two languages, English and Irish (Gaelic). Most Irish people
can speak both, but usually speak English. Everybody must learn both in
School. In some parts of Ireland, they only try and speak Irish. Some of
the best writers in English were from Ireland. ‘Dia dhuit’ means hello.

13. My Country

14. Ireland’s name in the Irish language is Eire.

15. Food and drinks

Traditional Irish food includes a Big Irish breakfast,
Brown Soda Bread, Irish Stew, Bacon & Cabbage,
Milk, Butter, Cheese, Cream, Beef, Seafood and
Potatoes, and drinks like Tea, Whiskey, Irish Coffee,
Baileys and Guinness Stout (Black Beer)
Whiskey was invented in Ireland and the word
whiskey comes from ‘Uisce beatha’ (which means
‘water of life’ in the Irish language)

16. Irish Sports

Irish people play many sports like soccer and rugby
and but they also have some sports only played in
Ireland, like Gaelic Football and Hurling.
Ireland also produces some of the world’s best race
Many top soccer players playing in Britain come
form Ireland, as well as many Olympic athletes
especially boxers.
Some of the biggest surfing in the world is in


18. Irish Animals

The Irish countryside is full of farms and animals.
The typical farm animals are cows, sheep and pigs.
In the wild there are deer, foxes, badgers, hares and
other small animals.

19. Bo in Irish means cow

20. Irish Weather

Ireland is famous for it’s rainy weather, and in some
parts there might be over 260 rainy days every year
‘Ta se ag cur baiste’ means ‘It’s raining’ in Irish.
But it’s never very hot or very cold and there isn’t
much snow.

21. ‘Is maith liom ________’

This means ‘like _________’ in Irish. Is maith liom Vietnam.

22. Famous Irish People

There have been many famous Irish people
especially in Britain and America, where many
soldiers, politicians, actors, musicians, writers and
leaders have been Irish. But also in Australia,
Canada, New Zealand, South America, Spain and
Today there are many Irish actors and musicians
and even a famous President with Irish ancestors.
Every time you see a name with Mac, or Mc or O’ in
it you know they could have had Irish ancestors.

23. Do you recognize any of these Irish People?

24. What about this one?

Barack Obama is one of
the latest American
President’s who can
trace his ancestors to
Ireland. Others include
Clinton, Kennedy,
Nixon, and Reagan

25. Go Raibh Mile Maith Agat

Which means ‘A Thousand Thank Yous’ in Irish. Thank you.
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