The secrets of the nature
Kelimutu - is a volcano, close to the small town of Moni about 50 km to the east. The volcano contains three striking summit crater lakes of varying colours
The lake colours vary on a periodic basis. The colour changes as a result of chemical reactions resulting from the minerals contained in the lakeminerals contained in the lake
The Black Forest
The Black Forest is a wooded mountain range in southwestern Germany. The highest peak is the Feldberg with an elevation of 1,493 metres. The Black Forest occupies part between the Atlantic Ocean and the Black Sea.
The Glasswinged butterfly
The Glasswinged butterfly (Greta oto) is a brush-footed butterfly. The wings are translucent, with a wingspan of 5.6 to 6.1 cm. Its most common English name is glasswinged butterfly, and its Spanish name is "espejitos", which means "little mirrors
Greta Oto visits common flowers like lantana, but prefers to lay its eggs on plants. This species is found from Mexico to Argentina, in the rain forests.
Eucalyptus rainbow
Eucalyptus rainbow is the only species of eucalyptus in the wild growing in the Northern hemisphere. Eucalyptus rainbow reaches a height of 75 meters, diameter of the barrel up to 2.4 meters.
View differs from other types of eucalyptus its multi-coloured bark. First bark has a bright green color. Then it acquires the blue, purple, orange or dark-purple shades. The barrel of the Mature trees plays with all the colors of the rainbow.

The secrets of the nature

1. The secrets of the nature

2. Kelimutu

3. Kelimutu - is a volcano, close to the small town of Moni about 50 km to the east. The volcano contains three striking summit crater lakes of varying colours


5. RED


7. The lake colours vary on a periodic basis. The colour changes as a result of chemical reactions resulting from the minerals contained in the lakeminerals contained in the lake

8. The Black Forest

9. The Black Forest is a wooded mountain range in southwestern Germany. The highest peak is the Feldberg with an elevation of 1,493 metres. The Black Forest occupies part between the Atlantic Ocean and the Black Sea.


11. The Glasswinged butterfly

12. The Glasswinged butterfly (Greta oto) is a brush-footed butterfly. The wings are translucent, with a wingspan of 5.6 to 6.1 cm. Its most common English name is glasswinged butterfly, and its Spanish name is "espejitos", which means "little mirrors

The Glasswinged butterfly (Greta
oto) is a brush-footed butterfly.
The wings are translucent, with a
wingspan of 5.6 to 6.1 cm. Its most
common English name is
glasswinged butterfly, and its
Spanish name is "espejitos", which
means "little mirrors


14. Greta Oto visits common flowers like lantana, but prefers to lay its eggs on plants. This species is found from Mexico to Argentina, in the rain forests.

15. Eucalyptus rainbow

16. Eucalyptus rainbow is the only species of eucalyptus in the wild growing in the Northern hemisphere. Eucalyptus rainbow reaches a height of 75 meters, diameter of the barrel up to 2.4 meters.


18. View differs from other types of eucalyptus its multi-coloured bark. First bark has a bright green color. Then it acquires the blue, purple, orange or dark-purple shades. The barrel of the Mature trees plays with all the colors of the rainbow.

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