My Travels
hi! I want to talk About my travels since 2015
a trip to Pyatigorsk
Thanks you for your time
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My Travels

1. My Travels

2. hi! I want to talk About my travels since 2015

in 2015, my first trip took place in Turkey Turkey is a beautiful
Sunny country, In 2015, my first trip took place in Turkey Turkey is
a beautiful Sunny country, I lived there for exactly a month lived
there for exactly a month

3. a trip to Pyatigorsk

in 2016, we went to Pyatigorsk. arriving in Pyatigorsk, immediately
after arrival, we climbed mount Elbrus with a height of 5621 meters

4. sochi

in 2017, we went to my favorite city of Sochi, we settled
there right by the sea and lived in this city for a month
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