The state was founded in January 1788 by English settlers who were brought to Australia by the First fleet. The first European
New South Wales has a diverse and very beautiful nature: Blue mountains, white Hyams beach, national Manga beach.

New South Wales is a state on the east coast of Australia


New South Wales,


New South Wales,
New South Wales is a state on the east coast of Australia. It
borders Queensland to the north, Victoria to the south, and
South Australia to the west. Its coast borders the Tasman Sea
to the east. New South Wales' state capital is Sydney, which is
also Australia's most populous city.


South byWales,
First, this area
was inhabited
tribes, who appeared inNSW
Australia about 40-60
thousand years ago.

4. The state was founded in January 1788 by English settlers who were brought to Australia by the First fleet. The first European

settlement was Sydney.

5. New South Wales has a diverse and very beautiful nature: Blue mountains, white Hyams beach, national Manga beach.

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