


2. Squats

1.Stand straight with feet hip-width apart
Stand with your feet apart, directly under
your hips, and place your hands on your
2.Tighten your stomach muscles
Standing up tall, put your shoulders back, lift
your chest, and pull in your abdominal

3. Squats

3.Lower down, as if sitting
Bend your knees while keeping your upper body as straight
as possible, as if you were lowering yourself onto a
seat behind you. Lower yourself as far as you can
without leaning your upper body more than a few
inches forward.
Tip: Don’t allow your knees to go too far forward. You
don’t want them to stick out past your toes.
4.Straighten your legs
Being careful not to lock your knees when you reach a
standing position, straighten your legs

4. Squats

5.Repeat the movement
Repeat for three sets of 10 to 15 reps.
Tip: Stretch your arms out in front of you
for added balance during squats.

5. Lunges

1.Stand tall and keep a little less than
shoulder-width distance between your
2.Keep your hands on your hips or hold
them straight ahead of you, parallel to the

6. Lunges

3.Step forward with your right leg. Make sure both the feet
are pointing straight ahead.
4.Then slowly lower yourself down.
When you lower yourself down, your both knees should
be at about 90 degree angle at the bottom of the
movement. The back leg's feet when you are going down
should be on balanced on the balls of the feet.
Then push back up and repeat.
5.Perform 20 reps then rest for a minute. Switch sides and
repeat. Then wait for a minute.

7. Push ups

• First you must get on the ground. Lay with your toes
on the ground holding yourself up with your hands.
• Lower your torso to the ground until your elbows reach a
90 degree angle. Keep your elbows close to your body
for more resistance. Keep your head facing forward.
• Keep your body in a flat plank—do not drop your hips,
and do not have your butt hanging in the air. It is
important to keep your body as straight as possible.
Remember to breath as you lower yourself.

8. Push ups

• Raise yourself by pushing the ground
away from you. Breathe out as you push.
• Continue to exert force until your arms are
almost in a straight position again, make
sure to not lock your arms.

9. Plank

• Start on your hands and knees on the ground. Your
hands and knees should be shoulder-width apart.
• Lift your knees off the ground and push your feet back,
bringing your body to full extension.
• Once you’re there, make sure your feet are shoulderwidth apart to start. This will help you feel more stable in
the position, having your feet closer together will make
the exercise more challenging.
• Keeping a tight core is key here. And keep your hips
lifted! You want to create one long line that connects
your shoulders, hips, and ankles.

10. Plank

• Keep your palms directly below your shoulders and
pressing against the ground.
• Imagine that you’re extending from the crown of your
head and out through your heels simultaneously.
• And don’t forget to keep your entire body engaged so
tighten your quads and push through your palms.
• Aim to hold this position for 30 to 45 seconds, and work
your way up to 60 to 90 seconds once you get stronger.
Oh, and remember to keep breathing!

11. Знакомства

• Неформальный стиль
Good evening. I am Peter Hopkins. Добрый вечер. Меня зовут
Питер Хопкинс.
• Good morning. I’m from the C.P.D. Company. My name is John
Smith. Доброе утро. Я из компании CPD. Меня зовут Джон Смит.
• Hello! My name is Susan, Susan Evans. Привет! Мое имя Сюзан,
Сюзан Эванс.
• Hi! My name's Pat Wilson.Привет! Меня зовут Пэт Уилсон.


• Нейтральный стиль
Let me introduce myself (to you). My name is Victor
Pirogov. Позвольте представиться (Вам). Меня зовут
Виктор Пирогов.
• May I introduce myself (to you)? Разрешите (с Вами)
• I am Jane Morrison. I've always wanted to meet you.
Меня зовут Джейн Моррисон. Я всегда мечтала с
Вами/тобой познакомиться.


• Официальный стиль
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Victor
Pirogov. Разрешите представиться. Меня
зовут Виктор Пирогов.
• I've been looking forward to meeting you. My
name is Williams, Rob Williams. Я давно хочу с
Вами познакомиться. Моя фамилия Уильямс,
а имя – Роб.

14. Примерный диалог

• N. Let me introduce myself. My name is N.
M. I am happy \ to make your
acquaintance / to meet you.
Н.: Позвольте представиться. Моя
фамилия Н.
М.: Я счастлив познакомиться с вами.

15. Как спросить имя собеседника

• Неформальный стиль
(And) what is your name? - (It's) Chris Best. (А)
как Вас/тебя зовут? - Крис Бест.
What is your first name? - (It's) Chris. Как
Ваше/твое имя? - Крис.
What is your surname? - (It's) Best. Как
Ваша/твоя фамилия? - Бест.
What are your/their names? Как ваши/их
What is his/her name? Как его/ее зовут?
What is your neighbour's name? — His name is
Jack. Как зовут Вашего соседа? – Джек.

16. Официальный стиль

• May I ask your name, please? Простите,
как Ваше имя?
How would you want/like me to
call/address you? Как к Вам лучше всего

17. Как переспросить имя

• Please write down your full name.
Пожалуйста, напишите свое полное
I’m sorry, I didn't quite catch your name.
Извините, я не вполне уловил Ваше
Pardon? Will you say it again, please?
Как-как? Не могли бы Вы его

18. Ответные реплики при знакомстве

• После обмена традиционными How do you do
(официальный стиль) или Hello / сокращенно - Hi
(неформальный стиль) могут последовать реплики:
This is a pleasure, Mr/Mrs... Очень приятно, г-н/г-жа...!
Pleased (very) much. Я очень рад.
I am happy to meet you. Very happy to meet you. I am
pleased to make your acquaintance. Я счастлив
знакомству с Вами.
Pleased to meet you. I'm so pleased to meet you. Я рад
с Вами познакомиться.
Me too. Я/мне тоже!
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