Folie 1
Folie 2
Folie 3
Folie 4
Folie 5
Folie 6
Категория: ЭлектроникаЭлектроника

Finishing Works. Parameterization Inspecting ultrasonic transmission reliability Adaptation

1. Folie 1

Service and Repair
Finishing Works
Inspecting ultrasonic transmission reliability

2. Folie 2

Service and Repair
Parameterization (1)
With UltraAssistProfi software:
1. metrological configuring
2. date, time, quick impulses, modules, datalogger...

3. Folie 3

Service and Repair
Parameterization (2)
Display list
Parameterization (Eb): Parameterization/Configure meter/LCD configuration/Configure
display list..
Initial (without parameterization) unit
The repaired meter (example)

4. Folie 4

Service and Repair
Inspecting ultrasonic transmission reliability
after service and repair
• fill a volume measuring unit with water
• remove air
• optimal conditions:
- pressure
- flowrate
- water temperature
> 2 bar
55+/-5 °C
Checking (with UltraAssistProfi):
• menu „Maintenance“
• command „Amplitude check“
Automatic checking (about 1 minute)
• message „valid/invalid“
• in case of the message „invalid“:
- too much residue in the volume measuring unit
- defective reflectors („small“ meters)
- transducer is defective
Optical scan head
Order number 99 56 467 001

5. Folie 5

Service and Repair
Adapting the electronics to the volume measuring unit
after Service and Repair
Procedure (with UltraAssistProfi):
• menu „ Maintenance“
• command „Adaptation“
automatic procedure
• message of procedure conclusion
Optical scan head,
Order number 99 56 467 001

6. Folie 6

Service and Repair
• Volume measuring unit of the meter was cleaned, seals were replaced
for new, if required transducer and/or reflectors were replaced
• If required temperature sensors, modules and electronic unit were replaced
• Meter is configured, US-signal level is checked, electronic adaptation to the volume
measuring unit was conducted
• Metrological accuracy of meter is not yet determined
The following steps:
• Flow calibration аnd temperature calibration
• Testing
• Set calibration seal and security label placing
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