My hometown

My hometown

1. My hometown


• Shymkent is the
third largest city
in Kazakhstan
and the first city
in Kazakhstan,
one of the
largest industrial,
commercial and
cultural centers
of the country.
center of the
region, forms the
second most
populated urban
agglomeration in
the country.

3. The most beautiful park of the city of Shymkent "Ken Baba"

The most beautiful park of
the city of Shymkent "Ken
Ken Baba Park This
park (formerly
Cathedral Garden,
Nicholas Church Park,
Children's Park) is one
of the oldest in the
city, located along
Kazybek bi street at
the intersection with
Tauke-khan Avenue.

4. Shymkent has attracted the attention of travelers and scientists since ancient times. Since the city is the regional center of

South-Kazakhstan region, then, as a rule, all tourist routes to
various corners of the region begin with it.

5. I love my hometown Shymkent

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