Red color in Russia.
Red color in Russia.
Red color in Russia.
Red color in Russia.
the results
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Red color in Russia

1. Red color in Russia.

2. Red color in Russia.

• if you ask the people of our country,which
symbolizes the color red, then all at once I will

3. Red color in Russia.

• but some where this courage is not necessary
to show. for example: on the road.because on
the road you have to look at the traffic light.
and there is also a red light. and he says:STOP.

4. Red color in Russia.

• but do not talk about very serious. because
red light is not only the bravery and danger.
but also romance.
• many girls at any age draw the hearts. and
then again red light. that is, red means

5. the results

• that's all for now. the red color in our country
- the romance, the danger, the courage.

6. thank you for your attention

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