
Amazing Caucasus


«Amazing Caucasus"
Student 6 "B" class school №6 Shurygin Daniel
Director: Alexandra Kolmykovа


The Caucasus is an
amazing and beautiful part
of Russia. Here we have
the unique nature and
wonderful people.

3. The name of the great Russian poet M. Y. Lermontov became the inevitable part of the Caucasus. He devoted to the Caucasus many

of his works and found his death.
Where merge Aragva and her twin,
Kura, and fast rush onward, in
Times past, a lonely cloister stood;
By fields, a dense and o'ergrown wood
Encircled 'twas....A wayfarer,
Toiling uphill, will see what were
A gate and gateposts once and, too,
A church....To-day, no incense to
Its round dome coils, nor do a prayer
The humble monks chant, hoarse-voiced,

4. The peoples of the Caucasus are known for their beautiful songs and dances, national costumes and holidays bright.

5. The Caucasus is one of the most beautiful places on the planet. There is the Elbrus – highest peak of Europe, Gorges, mountain

rivers and lakes. Travelers are advised to
watch Arkhyz, Dombay, waterfalls Tobot, Sultan, Chegem, gorge Dzhyly-su, guard
towers, dolmens.

6. There are many peoples living in the Caucasus: Kabardians, Chechens, Armenians, Dagestanis, Avars, Ossetians, and others. They

speak different languages
and have a rich culture.

7. In the Caucasus people respect family and elders, they listen to their advice. Family in the Caucasus is large.


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