Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Foreign languages in our life


Foreign languages in
our life
Наташа Тетерина 11А
Алиса Костина 11А
Альбина Шайхилахметова 11А
Лиза Шишкина 11А


Foreign languages ​are of great importance for people in the modern world.
Their study is very important for us, because:
-It's a great way to train your memory
-It is an opportunity to enjoy traveling to the fullest
-it is a good opportunity to find a highly paid job
-this is an opportunity to watch movies, read
books and listen to music in their original form
-it's a chance to find many foreign friends


The most important factors for us are the ability to
freely travel and find a decent job.
These factors can affect our life in the future. Travel
abroad will bring a lot of experience and a lot of new
friends, and the dream job will allow you to have fun
all your life.
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