Monuments to cultural workers in Russia

Monuments to cultural workers in Russia

1. Monuments to cultural workers in Russia

Made by: Angelina Zabelina, 6 “B” form

2. Tchaikovsky Monument, Moscow  

Tchaikovsky Monument, Moscow
Tchaikovsky monument is a monument to a great Russian composer and conductor
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky is located in Moscow in Bolshaya Nikitskaya street.
Tchaikovsky monument sculpture is made from bronze, the pedestal is made from red
granite. The composer is depicted sitting in a chair in front of a music stand where an open
music book lies. It seems that his right hand with a pencil is ready to write a musical
phrase, and the left counts the beats of the melody.

3. Pushkin Statue in Moscow

Pushkin statue in
Moscow is probably
one of the most
important monuments
you could visit if you're
interested in Russian
culture. Alexander
Sergeevich Pushkin
was one of the most
brilliant Russian poets,
and he surely deserves
his monument to be
put in the center of our

4. Monument to S. Esenin in Moscow

Monument to the
great Russian poet S.
Esenin (sculptor – A.
Bichukov, architect – A.
Klimochkin) was opened
in 1995 on Tverskoy
Boulevard, and is
established for the 100th
anniversary of the poet
between the Drama
Theatre named after
Pushkin and the
building of Moscow Art
Theater named after

5. Statue of Nikokay Gogol in Saint Petersburg

The famous Russian/Ukrainian author is closely associated with St
Petersburg as he lived and worked here and wrote a cycle of short
stories set in St Petersburg which often focused on the then capital's
corruption, class system and bureaucracy. The statue was unveiled in
1997 and depicts the author in a typical gloomy pose.

6. Monument to Anna Achmatova in Saint Petersburg

Standing next to the River Neva
between Ulitsa Shpalernaya and
Naberezhnaya Robespera
(Robespierre Embankment), this
is one of four monuments in the
city to the great 20th century
poet Anna Akhmatova. Erected
in 2006 to mark the 40th
anniversary of the poet's death,
this striking statue is
symbolically located opposite
Kresty Holding Prison, where
both Akhmatova's partner, the
art critic Nikolay Punin, and son,
Lev Gumilev, were incarcerated
repeatedly during the 1930s.

7. Monument to Yury Nikulin in Moscow

The monument to Yu.V. Nikulin (sculptor – A.I. Rukavishnikov,
architects – M.M. Posokhin, A.G. Kochekovsky) was unveiled on
September 3, 2000 near the Circus. The sculptor casted a smaller size
cabriolet from the film “Kavkazskaya Plennitsa”.

8. Monument to Ilya Repin in Moscow

Situated on Bolotnaya
Ploschad opposite the
pedestrian bridge across the
Vodootvodny Canal is a
statue of one of Russian's
finest painters - Ilia Repin.
Repin was famous for his
paintings of historical
scenes and for his portraits,
many of which can be seen
in the nearby State
Tretyakov Gallery. The
statue, which depicts Repin
with paint brushes in his
hand, was unveiled in 1958
and is the work of the
famous sculptor Matvey

9. Vladimir Vysotsky Monument in Moscow

Vladimir Semyonovich
Vysotsky was an iconic
Soviet and Russian singer,
songwriter, poet, and
actor of mixed Jewish and
Russian descent whose
career had an immense
and enduring effect on
Russian culture.

10. Vasili Surikov Monument

Standing in a small square
opposite to the building of
the Russian Academy of
Artists is a statue of the artist
Vasili Surikov. Surikov
worked in the 19th century
and is most famous for his
paintings depicting historical
scenes such as 'Morning of
the Streltsy's Execution', 'The
Conquest of Siberia by
Yermak' and 'Boyarynya
Morozova'. The bronze
monument was unveiled in
2003 and depicts Surikov
standing next to his easel.

11. Thanks for your attention!

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