Changes to LPDIMM Rev 02

Changes to LPDIMM Rev 02

1. Changes to LPDIMM Rev 02

2. 1. general

• A. Please fix all dangling via and where
possible fix Antena via (47 Dangling, 620
Antena). – one dangling line lef
• B. clean unneeded shapes.
• C. move vias in all design so they will not be
on shape’s edge (example in section 6)

3. 2. Component: nets in all design

• Please fix all places where nets are routed too
close (touching) in voids of the reference plane
above it or beneath.
• In the pic at following page, there is example of
this case in L3 routing, with reference in
• It is wanted that lines will be far from these
voids 1W (one signal width), but at least not
touching if 1W is not possible.

4. 2. Component: nets in all design(cont.)

5. 3. Component: Q2

• Please cover pads with planes.

6. 4. Component: U9

• Please enlarge VCC_1V1_VDD_S3 net all the
way till route Keepin.

7. 5. New MASK for VIA_FILL

• Please prepare new mask called VIA_FILL.
• This mask will contain all vias only in the

8. 6. Top layer

• Remove piece from top layer next to key.
Cut here

9. 7. Layer 6

• Increase the 1.1V plane on layer6 according to

10. 8. Add via

• Add 1.8V via between L5 and bottom next to
(672.000 -130.000)

11. 9. Component Q2, R36

Define R36 pad with solder mask and leave C_VDDQX_VR_CSP plane open
from SM.
Open from SM
Open from SM

12. 10. Turn CSP and CSN pins in U9 to nets.

Pin #8 in U9 us connected to C_VDDQX_VR_CSP plane with a small shape
in the bottom.
Convert the connection to normal trace and not a plane with 1 via.
The same for pin #7 (VCC_0V6_VDDQX plane)

13. 11. Enlarge VDDQ_DRAM rail.

Rotate C102 90 degrees down (remove 1.8V via and move the GND vias).
Enlarge VCC_1V1_0V6_VDDQ_DRAM plane so the vias connected to it from resistor R41 will
be inside the plain and not on the edge.

14. 12. 1.1V vias near R40

• If possible, add more vias of 1.1V near R40

15. 13. 1.1V/VPP TP

• Route a trace from DRAM to 1.1V and VPP TP
instead of direct connection to the plane.
• If impossible, try at least to do that for 1.1V
(TP11 and TP15)

16. 14. Silk - TOP

• Fix REFDES for new components. And old
components that moved.
• Fix silk of TP that moved.
• Change card name (LPDIMM_LP4_200B) to:
LP4/x_200B (CNL U)

17. 15. Silk - BOTTOM

• Change PCB PN to: J24748-001 (leave Rev 01).
• Change ASSY PN to: J24748-100

18. 16. New placement

The next slide shows basic placement.
Please move: TP17, TP18, J6, R27.
Please move J5 (4 pin header) a little to the right.
Place new components in the red square area.
• It doesn’t have to be exactly like I requested. It
can be changed a little bit as long as everything

19. 16. New placements (cont.)

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