Right answers:
Graphic organizers Match the pictures with the types of visuals:
Discuss with the partner:
Describing trends
Look at the picture. Complete the description with the words from the box
With a partner give fractional equivalents to these percentages:
Complete the text using the words below:
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Presenting data and figures

1. Listening

2. Right answers:

• To prepare a short presentation on general
mobile use in Africa;
• To recommend 3 countries where the
company could test run the first outlets by
making a priority

3. Graphic organizers Match the pictures with the types of visuals:

4. Discuss with the partner:


Presentation overload

6. Describing trends

Can you explain what these verbs mean?
To fluctuate
To boom
To leave off
To plummet

7. Look at the picture. Complete the description with the words from the box

8. Figures:

9. With a partner give fractional equivalents to these percentages:

10. Complete the text using the words below:

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