Basics of Beekeeping
bee products
bee products
Interesting facts
The end
Категория: ПромышленностьПромышленность

Basics of Beekeeping

1. Basics of Beekeeping

Narzieva Fariza

2. Beekeeping

- agricultural sector, which is
engaged in breeding honeybees for honey,
beeswax and other products, as well as for
pollination of crops in order to increase their


have five eyes.
Three in the upper part of the head and two front

4. bee products

royal jelly,
pollen and pollen
bee Podmore,
bee venom,
for timber
The quantum of labor
tincture wax moth
royal mummies

5. bee products

- a very tasty product, it can be used for
dessert in various forms, and it is - a valuable set
of nutrients play a major role in the processes of
assimilation. He quickly releases the energy spent
in the period of maximum daily human activity.
Wax is used for the preparation of honeycombs,
as well as in the pharmaceutical practice for the
preparation of ointments. Wax has long been used
in medicine for the treatment of skin diseases


one kilo of honey bees have to make up to
4,500 sorties and take nectar from flowers of 6-10
million. Strong family can gather daily for 5 - 10
kg of honey (10 - 20 kg of nectar).
Bees - champions smell; they perceive and
distinguish odors 1000 times stronger than a man,
feel the fragrance of flowers more than 1 km;


It contains large amounts of all the essential and
nonessential amino acids - are the "building
blocks", which are created from living cells.
Zabrus - is the upper lid, cut a strip of sealed
honey combs Zabrus is highly effective in the
treatment of bacterial and viral diseases without
causing allergies and addictions pathogen to this
natural product.


or bee glue - it sticky resinous substance
collected by bees from different plants and recycle
them in the hive.
Bee venom is not only an excellent remedy for
some diseases, but also has preventive properties.
It is also noteworthy that the centenarians, people
who live in our country for over 100 years, most
engaged in beekeeping.


or bee glue - it sticky resinous substance
collected by bees from different plants and recycle
them in the hive.
Bee venom is not only an excellent remedy for
some diseases, but also has preventive properties.
It is also noteworthy that the centenarians, people
who live in our country for over 100 years, most
engaged in beekeeping.


Podmore this amazing remedy which is
known to few, and those that have heard
about its medicinal properties, find it a bit of
voodoo drugs.
Pollen or bee bread - an essential protein
and vitamin food. This view is supported by
numerous experiments that are carried out
at different times

11. Interesting facts

queen bee never stings man, even when
he was hurting her. But at a meeting with his
opponent with a fury she floats sting.
Bees have an innate preference for violet
and blue-green colors.
Beekeeper using no smoke calms the bees,
and the like creates a simulated fire. Bees,
as the ancient inhabitants of the forest,
when a smoke attack the honey to stock
them on a long journey


hive takes the "circular" dance if she found a
source of food a short distance from the apiary.
"Waggle" dance bees signals or pollen-bee plant,
located at a remote distance.


can be used to
check the luggage of
travelers or any
cargo for explosives
and drugs, because
the scent of bees
even more subtle
than that four-legged
friends of man;
Each year from bee
stings killed more
people than from
snake bites.
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