Human Trafficking

Human trafficking

1. Human Trafficking

Margarita Mezhova

2. What is human trafficking?

Trade of humans for the purpose of exploitation

3. How it works

4. Types of Trafficking

Forced Labor
• domestic servitude
• manual labor
-factory work
-construction work
-sweatshops & farms of multinational corps
-agricultural & landscape work
• restaurants
• hotel housekeeping

5. Types of Trafficking

Sexual Exploitation
• prostitution
• pornography
• bride trafficking
• abuse of children
• hostess clubs, brothels, escort services,
commercial phone sex & internet dating
• exotic dancing/stripping

6. Types of Trafficking

drug trade
street begging
organ harvesting
forced recruitment for armed conflict

7. Percentage of main types


8. Our place in global trafficking 

Our place in global trafficking
1. Recruitment
2. Transportation
3. Exploitation
Country of Origin
Country of Transit
Country of Destination

9. Our place in global trafficking

10. Our place in global trafficking 

Our place in global trafficking
• Victims from 127 countries undergo
exploitation in 135 countries
• The main countries of origin
• More than 150 thousand of Russian people
appeared in net of global trafficking
• Crimea is in a high-risk area

11. Recruitment

Employment companies
Model agencies, beauty competition
Wedding agencies, marriage with a foreign
Kidnapping Abduction
Student programs
cultural exchanges
• Recruitment by relations

12. Who are the victims

90% not married (devorced)
69% have no job and high education
20% worked as prostitutes before
20% have no full family
Main age is 18-29

13. Who are the victims

14. Who are the victims

15. Reasons of trafficking

• Human trafficking - third most profitable trade,
after that of arms and drugs


Be aware and take care!
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