The history of the USA
American Indians
Modern America was created by European settlers
The Pilgrims arrived in Mausachusets in 1620
The War of Revolution
Constitution of the USA. 1787
Thomas Jefferson. George Washington. Benjamin Franklin.
The Slavery
The  Civil War
Social changes
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

The history of the USA

1. The history of the USA

2. American Indians

3. Modern America was created by European settlers


The first colony in North
America was founded in
1607 in Jamestown

5. The Pilgrims arrived in Mausachusets in 1620

6. The War of Revolution

7. Constitution of the USA. 1787

8. Thomas Jefferson. George Washington. Benjamin Franklin.

9. The Slavery

South – plantations;
North – slavery was illegal

10. The  Civil War

The Civil

11. Social changes


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