Ecological transport

Ecological transport

1. Ecological transport

Shlyachovoi Maxim 10 klass
Grigorieva Anastasia 10 klass
Teacher –Kravtsova T.V.

2. The purpose of the research

The task of our research was
to investigate facts, study opinions of specialists in this area,
to undertake studies and tell about the fundamentally new
types of transport, already created, yet created, long ago known, which are
ecologically safe, and about the possibilities that are able to save our

3. What can we call an environmentally friendly transport?

transport, generating energy which is
not associated with hydrocarbon
combustion processes, can be called
environmentally friendly or ecological

4. What are the types of environmentally transport?

Electric drive
Hydrogen engines
Aircraft fuel
City transport
Bicycle or scooter

5. From the history of eco-transport

It is curious that motor transport with the electric motor
was created before usual cars with an internal
combustion engine. The first electric cars were designed in
the 30-40th years of 19 century. It is considered that the
first electric cars belong to natives of Great Britain – to
Robert Andersen, Robert Davidson and Thomas Devenport

6. Electric drive

Nowadays it is the most high-growth type of environmentally
friendly transport. It was noticed by all large carmakers.
Several thousand electric vehicles already drive on the roads of
the world. Moreover, the future electric car will not have such a
large size and cost, as the famous electric «Tesla».

7. Hydrogen engines

The Hydrogen is the most power-intensive fuel in the world. The
engines of cars using hydrogen works silently and with high
efficiency. Unfortunately, the high price does not promise a
hydrogen mass distribution vehicles. They are now also already
drive on the roads.

8. Aircraft fuel or airomobiles

Now airmobiles (pneumobiles) are issued. Airmobiles are the cars
having the pneumatic engine for which work the squeezed air is
used. When cars drive at a small speed or in small distance, they
use only compressed air, without doing any harm to the

9. Segway

It is the self-balancing scooter having two wheels,
which are located on either side of the driver. The
motor is powered by lithium-ion batteries and their
charging takes place automatically during the
descent from the mountain. It takes about 8 hours
for a full charging.

10. City transport

Probably all familiar with these types of ecological
transport as tram and trolleybus. They both run on
electricity and are designed to carry passengers.

11. Bicycle or scooter

These wheeled vehicles moving the muscle strength of the subject.
The bike is used for this purpose foot pedals, and the scooter
movement is ensured by multiple repulsion from the ground with his
foot. Many people in Europe and America prefer to reach for work by
bicycle, in Tokyo on the scooter as, on the one hand, there is no need
to get stuck in traffic jams, and with another – thanks to physical
activity the organism becomes more healthy.

12. Our conclusions and suggestions:

1.Use more bicycles or scooters for getting to work or to school
2.Try to use public transport instead of private ones as often
as possible
3.If is possible , leave your car at home and try to go on foot
4.Struggle for the improvement of roads in your
neighboorhood, designing bike lines and wider pavements for
5. For my native city is very important to create a new line of
underground which will connect St-Petersburg with it and
save the environment.

13. If you are not a part of the solution you will be the part of the problem!

“ If you are not a part of the
solution you will be the part of
the problem!

Let’s think green about our general future!

14. Thank you for watching!

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