Education in Sakha Repubic
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Education in Sakha Repubic

1. Education in Sakha Repubic

Dyakonova Valya`s
EaTI, HaGV-17


Education in Yakutia is provided predominantly by the state and is regulated
by the Ministry of Education and Science. Before 1990 the course of school
training in the Soviet Union was 10 years, but at the end of 1990 the 11-year
course has been officially entered. Education in state-owned secondary
schools is free; first tertiary (university level) education is free with

3. Minister of education of the Republic of Sakha Yakutia

Egorov Vladimir Anatolyevich-was Born on
March 15, 1966 in the village of Suntar of the
Suntar district of the Yakut ASSR. Laureate of
the state prize of the Republic of Sakha
(Yakutia) in the field of science and technology
for young scientists and specialists, honored
worker of education of the Republic of Sakha
(Yakutia), member of the Presidium of the chess
Federation of the Republic of Sakha
(Yakutia).By the decree of the head of the
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) of November 8,
2018 №166 appointed Minister of education
and science of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

4. Presently the following categories of schools exist:

Early childhood – Basic, Infant and privately operated pre-school. Age: 2 – 5
Primary – Publicly and privately owned (Privately owned being called
Preparatory Schools). Ages 3 – 12 years.
Secondary – Publicly and privately owned. Ages 10 – 17 years. The high
schools in Yakutia may be either single-sex or co-educational institutions, and
many schools follow the traditional Russia grammar school model used
throughout the Russia.
Tertiary – Colleges and universities
The most important facilities of higher education include North-Eastern Federal
University (previously Yakutsk State University) and Yakutsk State Agricultural

5. Schools, lyceums and gymnasiums

Humanities lyceum
Gimnaziya n 1 G. Neryungri them. S. S. Karimova
National Polytechnic secondary school № 2
Specialized training and research center of NEFU
GBOU RS(Ya) in-depth study of specific subjects "of the Republican Lyceumboarding school«
Gbou RS(Ya) with in-depth study of individual subjects " Verkhnevilyuysky
Republican Lyceum-boarding school of Alekseyev“
MAOU Sakha Polytechnic LyceumVilyuyskaya MBOU gimnaziya named
I. L. Kondakov
City classical school
Technical Lyceum N. A. Alexeeva
Yakutsk city national gymnasium
Yakut city Lyceum
Physico-technical Lyceum.V. P. Larionov,
MOU Nyurbinskaya technical Lyceum. Ahh. Chusovsky

6. Higher and secondary special education institutions

NORTH-Eastern Federal University named M. K. Ammosov
"Yakut state agricultural Academy
Yakut state pedagogical Academy
Yakut state engineering technical Institute
Arctic state Institute of arts and culture
Yakutsk Institute of Economics and law (branch of the Moscow Academy of
labor and social relations)
The Yakut theological Seminary
Yakutsk branch of Baikal state University of Economics and law
Yakutsk Institute of water transport (branch) "Novosibirsk state Academy
of water transport“
Higher school of music of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (Institute). A. V.
Modern humanitarian Academy in the city of Yakutsk

7. The North-Eastern Federal University

NEFU is a federal institution of higher
education accredited and funded by the
Russian Ministry of Education. It was
officially established in April 2010 on the
basis of Yakutsk State University M.K.
Ammosov, the university with 75 years'
history. There are about 20,000 students at
11 Institutes, 8 Faculties and 3 branches,
including one in Chukotka region, and 6
research institutes. There are international
students coming from all over the world,
from South Korea to Peru, for exchange,
Russian language courses and full study

8. Yakutsk State Agricultural Academy

One of the largest higher education agricultural
institutes in the north-east of Russia.The Academy
has three departments: Agriculture technology,
Veterinary medicine and Engineering, a branch in the
Oktemtsy. The Academy also includes the Institute
for Advanced Training in agriculture, Research
institute of veterinary ecology, LABs: the
biologically active substances, immune-genetic,
socio-economic problems of the village, economicmathematical modelling. There are 3 dissertation
councils, an equestrian center, research and
production farm "Tabsylyn", Aesthetic Center,
Scientific Library. The Academy employs 250
teachers, including 53 professors and 130 candidates
of sciences.

9. Thank you for attention!

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