
Kirovsky plant


Kirovsky plant
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Officially the foundation in 1801


Factory Promotions
1)12.94% of the shares owned by Larisa Semenenko
2)5.21% - Georgy Semenenko
3)78.41% of the shares were in the nominal holding of Depository Clearing Company.
4)October 24, 2008 18.42% of shares of JSC "Kirov Plant" was purchased by "UBS AG",
a division of the Swiss bank UBS


1)Parovozoispytatelnaya station set up at the factory, at the time when he built
locomotives, bore the name of Alexander Borodin
2)In St. Petersburg punk rock group "team contract" is a song "Kirov Plant", which is
sung about life working with the Kirov factory.
3)In October 2008, the Federal Arbitration Court of the North-West Region
acknowledged that the brand "Kirovets" tractor can only belong to "Kirov Plant"


The present factory
Today JSC "Kirov Plant" - a company with great potential, confidently looking to the future. staff of the
plant - a close-knit team of dedicated professionals his case.
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