Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык





Everyone knows the
tale about Kolobok, but
suddenly someone did
not read it.
Did you know that
embodies the Bun?
What natural
phenomenon became
the prototype of the
Gingerbread man? Of
course, the sun, round
and rosy, which rolls
through the year, first
newly baked, then gain
experience and, in the
end, eaten by a sly Fox
on the day of the
autumn equinox


In this tale tells about how grandparents by complex experiments
baked bun. But Kolobok was not faithful to its creators and served
in flight, but he does not know that in the future he will have to
face many obstacles and fight for his life!


If you want to know did the gingerbread
man or died a heroic death, run to read!
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