Contract law
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Contract law

1. Contract law


- is the most common type of
transactions. Only a few one-sided
transactions are not related to the number of
contracts. The bulk occurring in civil law
transactions - contracts. In accordance with
this agreement is subject to general rules for
all transactions. By the rules of the agreements
on bilateral and multilateral deals. The
obligations arising from the agreement, the
general provisions on obligations, unless
otherwise stipulated by the general rules on
contracts, and the rules on certain types of


law - subsector liability law, the body
of law governing civil liability arising from the
different types of contracts. Includes separate
institutions contractual obligations.
The agreement is a tool that directly affects
the success of a business transaction.
Qualitatively designed contract allows you to
clearly regulate the relations between the
parties, to make a deal quickly and efficiently.
The agreement is also a necessary tool to
protect the interests of the client.


Content of the contract. The conditions under
which an agreement of the parties, constitute the
content of the agreement. According to its legal
value all the conditions are divided into
essential, regular and random.


The essential conditions are
recognized, are necessary and
sufficient for the contract. In
order for a contract is concluded,
all the essential terms to be
agreed. The agreement is not
concluded until until it is agreed
upon at least one of its essential
conditions. It is therefore
important to clearly identify what
conditions of the agreement are
substantial. The terms of the
essential conditions, depends on
the characteristics of a particular
Normal conditions do not need to
be agreed by the parties. Normal
conditions provided for in the
relevant regulations and will
automatically appear in the
action at the time of conclusion of
the contract. This does not mean
that normal conditions are
contrary to the will of the parties
to the contract. Like the other
terms of the contract, based on
the usual conditions of the
parties' agreement. Only in this
case, the parties' agreement to
subordinate contract, the usual
terms and conditions contained
in the regulations, reflected in
the fact of conclusion of the
contract. given species.
Accidentally called such
conditions, which change or
supplement the usual conditions.
They are included in the text of
the treaty at the discretion of the
parties. Their absence, as well as
the absence of normal conditions
does not affect the validity of the
contract. However, unlike
conventional they acquire valid
only if their inclusion in the text
of a treaty. In contrast to the
significant lack of random
conditions only in the event
entails the recognition of the
contract not concluded, if the
interested party proves that it
required harmonization of the
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