Похожие презентации:
Beer addiction
1. ФГБОУ ВО«Читинская государственная медицинская академия»
ФГБОУ ВО«Читинская государственная медицинская академия»BEER ADDICTION
Выполнила: студентка 148 группы
Золтоева Мария
Чита 2019 г.
2. Content
Historical informationMyth That Beer Drinking is Safe
Alcoholic Stereotype
Real facts
Dangers of Beer Drinking
3. Historical information
Humanity has faced beer addiction for a longtime. Back in the 19th century in England tried to
defeat alcoholism and began to drink beer as a
substitute for alcoholic beverages.
4. Myth That Beer Drinking is Safe
There is a common misconception that peoplewho drink beer are somehow less likely to
become alcoholic than other types of drinkers
5. Alcoholic Stereotype
One of the main reasons why people viewbeer drinking safe is that they are basing
their opinion on stereotypes.
6. Real facts
The truth is that many alcoholics are not muchdifferent from people without addiction
7. Dangers of Beer Drinking
8. Thank you for attention!