Похожие презентации:
Illustrashen entry
1. Entery
A Logo wallWood wall
The entrance of the building
Entrance wall- is sliding glass doors.
On the right- wood wall like in the atrium
illustration, but without the plants and lightning.
On the left- wall painted dark gray with the
company logo.
In front of you is the glass elevator and behind it
the atrium
2. Flooring
The look is like an old pavementI’m going to use this tile
The size of a tile is 15/30 cm
The tiles come in several tones, so it’ll look like a real pavement, but not so rough
3. Wood wall
3D sketchWood strips like in
the atrium
Light between the
concrete and the
wood wall
Concrete like in
the atrium
The height of this floor is 340 cm
The height of the top of the counter is 120 cm
4. Logo wall
This is the look that I’m aiming for: 3D logoIn fact, the flooring should
look like this wall, but the
tiles are wider
5. Ceiling
The ceiling will be whiteStill working on the ceiling plan, will send you as soon as