Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

The United States of America



The United States of America are
situated in the central part of the North
American continent. Its western coast is
washed by the Pacific Ocean and its
eastern coast-by the Atlantic Ocean. It
borders on Canada in the north and on
Mexico in the south. The total area of
the country is more than nine million
square kilometers.


• Capital: Washington, D.C.
• National language: English
• Big cites: New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, San Francisco
and others
• Government: Federal constitutional republic
• President: Donald Trump
• Vice President: Mike Pence
• Speaker of the House: Sarah Sanders
• Chief Justice: John Roberts


America is the fourth largest country in the world
(after Russia, Canada and China).

5. Flag and enblem


• The president is the
heard of the state. The
President is Donald


► The
national capital
is Washington, D.C.
• Its population is about
3,4 million people. It was
named after George

8. The nature of America is very diverse. On its territory there are arid deserts, endless expanses of plains, dense forests,

mountains, canyons and much more.
• Rivers: Mssissipi, Missouri, Rio Grande and others.
• Seas: Beaufort, Bering, Chukchi, Salish.
• Lakes: Superior, Huron, Michigan and others.
• Mountains: Granbearsd Teton, Denali, Rainier and others.
• Animals: Grizzly, wolves, coyotes, bisons, deers, elks, horses,
boars, big cats, rodents, crocodiles, snakes and others.


10. American Holidays

• Christmas Day- December 25
• New Year’s Day- January 1
• Thanksgiving day- fourth Thursday of November
• Independence Day- July 4
• Martin Luther King Day- third Monday of January
• Presedent’s Day- third Monday of February

11. Typical American food:

12. Leisure activities

13. Famous people

John F. Kennedy
(1917 – 1963) US
Muhammad Ali
(1942 – ) American
Boxer and civil rights
Marilyn Monroe
(1926 – 1962) American
actress / singer / model.
Michael Jackson
(1958 – 2009)
American pop singer.
Neil Armstrong
(1930 – 2012) US Pilot
and astronaut.
Barack Obama
(1961- ) US President
Elvis Presley
(1935 – 1977) American
pop singer.
Michael Jordon
(1963 – ) Legendary
basketball player.
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