About its celebration
The flag and symbol of the Earth
Earth day is a special time in order to attract the attention of all people to an awareness of planet Earth as a common home
Thank you for your attention!
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Earth day. About its celebration


2. About its celebration

On this day in all corners of the planet are
environmental activities, educational events for
children and adolescents in order to draw attention
to global issues on Earth.
Also on this day in different countries the Bell sounds
of the world, calling people to pay attention to the
beauty of the planet and the need for its



"The earth is the only thing we have in
common." Wendell Berry
"Look deeper into nature and you will
understand everything better."
Albert Einstein

5. The flag and symbol of the Earth

In the world there is the Flag of the Earth.
However, it is not considered the official
symbol. This flag is a photo of our planet taken
from space. In this capacity now used the
planet on a dark blue background, which was
made by the astronauts of Apollo 17 on their
way to the moon.

6. Earth day is a special time in order to attract the attention of all people to an awareness of planet Earth as a common home

and to
feel our Stamou community.

7. Thank you for your attention!

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