
Урок английского 5. Практика. Разбор письма

1. Практика

Урок 5

2. Разбор письма

To Whom It May Concern
Subject: Recommendation for Mr Brandon Brown
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this reference letter at the request of Mr Brandon Brown. I confirm that Mr Brown was employed at
our organization from 01/01/2010 to 01/01/2015.
Mr Brown is honest and reliable. He was a devoted employee, and his performance in the company was excellent.
I highly recommend Mr Brown for employment. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact
George Smith
Разбор письма

3. Аудирование

1) What is the conversation about?
2) What expressions did the interlocutors use when they didn’t
understand/hear something?
3) Write down these expressions from the dialog:
У нас назначена конференция с…
Не могли бы вы перевести нас?
Не могли бы вы подождать, пожалуйста?
Влияет ли погода на перевозку груза?
Как вы там справляетесь??

4. Аудирование



7. ответы

1. Wim Zeldenhuis and Andre De Vries make a phone call. They have a conference scheduled with
Benny McClenahan. First the receptionist answers the phone, then she puts them through. They start
discussing shipping on the river and the weather affecting it.
2. – Sorry, I didn’t quite catch…
- Sorry, who did you say?
- Sorry, I missed that. Could you say that again?
- Sorry, what did you just say?
3. - We have a conference scheduled with…
- Could you put us through?
- Can you hold please?
- Is the weather affecting shipping on the river?
- How have you been holding up?
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