Lecture 7. Stylistic Grammar 2
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Stylistic Grammar 2. Lecture 7

1. Lecture 7. Stylistic Grammar 2

IV. Stylistic Syntax
1. The omission of the parts of the
2. Reiteration of the parts of the
3. The inverted word order
4. The interaction of adjacent sentences

2. IV. Stylistic Syntax

Basic techniques that create stylistic function
result in stylistic figures.
The main principles of that kind are:
1 - the omission of the parts of the sentence,
2 - reiteration of the parts of the sentence,
3 - the inverted word order,
4 - the interaction of adjacent sentences.

3. 1. The omission of the parts of the sentence

ellipses of various types.
An elliptical sentence is a sentence with one or
more of the parts left out. As a rule the
omitted part can be reconstructed from the
In this case ellipses create a sense of
immediacy, local colour and brings into relief
typical features of colloquial casual talk.

4. The omission of the parts of the sentence 2

one-member nominal sentences (no
separate subject or predicate) call attention to
the subject named, to its existence and even
more to its interrelations with other objects.
Ex.: Matchbooks. Coaster rays. Hotel towels. He
was sending her the samples of whatever he
was selling at the time.

5. The omission of the parts of the sentence 3

Break-in-the-narrative is a device that
consists in the emotional halt in the middle or
towards the end of the utterance.
Arnold distinguishes that of 2 kinds:
suppression and aposiopesis.
Suppression leaves the sentence unfinished as a
result of the speaker’s deliberation to do so.
• Ex.: If everyone of twenty realized that half
his life was to be lived after forty…

6. The omission of the parts of the sentence 4

Aposiopesis means an involuntary halt in speech as
the speaker is too excited to continue.
Ex.: Surely you can not wish… her voice trailed her.
Decomposition is also built on omission,
splitting the sentences into separate snatches. It
helps to throw in the effect of relief or express a
highly dynamic pace of narration.
• Ex.: Him, of all things! Him! Never!

7. 2. Reiteration of the parts of the sentence

Reiteration is a repetition of a word or
structure, accompanied by new connotations.
Different types of reiteration may be
classified on the co mpositional principle:

8. 3. The inverted word order

Inversion is upsetting of the normal word
order helping to convey new shades of
The denotative meaning is the same but the
emotive colouring is different.
• Ex.: In he got and away they went
(makes the narration more dynamic and
contributes to the humorous effect).

9. 4. The interaction of adjacent sentences

One of the most emphatic means is the use of
parallel constructions, used in close succession.
The resulting devises are called:
Ex.: they had loved her, and she had loved them,
Climax \Anticlimax
Ex.: We’re nice people and there isn’t going to be
room for nice people any more. It’s ended, it’s all
over, it’s dead,
(unexpected humorous or ironic twist)
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