How Doctor Arch Evil Doer wanted to make people stupid
They worked day and night. And finally the computer was ready. It started to cure the computers on the Earth. Dr.Arch Evil-Doer
‘Android, iOS and Microsoft want to cure all computers, but I will attack them and destroy their super computer “SOS”!
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

How Doctor Arch Evil Doer wanted to make people stupid

1. How Doctor Arch Evil Doer wanted to make people stupid

Pyotr Ivanov
group 10b
Teacher: Irina Petrovna Alekseeva


Year 2054. Global catastrophe on the planet Earth! Students
stopped going to school and doing homework. Because they
computer games online! All the parents were in a panic, and
only one person was happy ... Dr.Evil-Doer, who created a
terrible virus that replaced all the useful programs on the
gadgets of the Earth to computer games!


Android, Microsoft Windows and iOS of Apple Inc. gathered for a conference
started to think how to kill a virus.
‘Let’s make an antivirus computer that will secretly check other computers and kill
the virus!’ said Microsoft.
‘Good idea!’ said iOS.
And they began to project a new antivirus megapowerful computer which was
called "SOS".

4. They worked day and night. And finally the computer was ready. It started to cure the computers on the Earth. Dr.Arch Evil-Doer

tried to
stop it, but nothing helped! He was so angry and decided to bomb “SOS”!

5. ‘Android, iOS and Microsoft want to cure all computers, but I will attack them and destroy their super computer “SOS”!

HA-HA-HAHAAA!’ cried Dr.Evil-Doer.
He made an army of normobots and flew to the laboratory. But the roof
was very strong and Dr.Evil-Doer couldn’t bomb it.
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