The Movies
Movie Vocabulary
Different movie genres!
Different movie genres!
Different movie genres!
Different movie genres!
Different movie genres!
Different movie genres!
Different movie genres!
Different movie genres!
Thank you

The movies

1. The Movies

[email protected]

2. Movie Vocabulary

The kind of movie is called GENRE.
The PLOT is what the movie about.
In a movie, the actors play
The ACTORS are the people
who are in the movie.

3. Different movie genres!

Romantic Comedy:
The plot of Romantic Comedies
is usually about two people who
fall in love and have funny
things happen to them.

4. Different movie genres!

These movies are very
serious with powerful
characters and a strong

5. Different movie genres!

Comedies are very funny
movies that are designed
to make us laugh!

6. Different movie genres!

Horror movies are made to
scare you! There’s usually a

7. Different movie genres!

Action movies are high-energy and
contain lots of stunts and fight

8. Different movie genres!

An animated movie looks like a cartoon. The
characters can be human or animals. It’s
common for famous actors to provide the
voices for some of the characters.

9. Different movie genres!

In a musical there is
always a lot of singing
and dancing!

10. Different movie genres!

Sci-Fi movies are very imaginative. The
setting is usually on another planet or a faraway land with unknown aliens. They
usually take place far into the future.

11. Thank you

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