Категория: КультурологияКультурология

Mothers Day


Mom - the first word,
Key word in each destiny.
Mom gave life,
The world gave me and you.
Song of the k / f "Mama“
the schoolgirl
of 6A class
Semyonova Sonya


• In Russia, Mother's Day was celebrated
recently. Established by the Decree of the
President of the Russian Federation B.N.
Yeltsin № 120 "On Mother's Day" on January
30, 1998, it is celebrated on the last Sunday of
November, paying tribute to their mother's
work and selfless sacrifice for the sake of their


• Mother's Day - an international celebration in honor of mothers. On
this day to congratulate mothers and pregnant women, in contrast
to the International Women's Day, when the congratulations are
taking female. In different countries, this day falls on different
dates. In general, in the world of Mother's Day is celebrated on the
second Sunday of May, including in Ukraine, Estonia, USA, Malta,
Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Australia, Japan,
Belgium, Brazil. Mother's Day is celebrated in Russia on the last
Sunday of November in Egypt - 21 March, in Belarus - 14 October in
Georgia - 3 March in Armenia - 7 April. In Kazakhstan, Mother's Day
is celebrated on the third Sunday of September, in Kyrgyzstan - the
third Sunday of May, in the UK - the first Sunday in March, Greece May 9th, in Poland - 26 May. Mother's Day celebrated on March
8th. The Swedes and the French greet their mothers on the last
Sunday of May. The Serbs - in December. In Spain and Portugal
mother's day is celebrated on the first Sunday of May. In the
Philippines, May 10th.


• The first Mother's Day as a holiday (it was
under this name) was held October 30, 1988
at school № 228 of Baku, its author - Elmira
Dzhavadovna Huseynov, teacher of Russian
language and literature, now lives in the city
of Stavropol. The text of the appeal published
in many newspapers, wrote about the festival
newspaper "Soviet Russia" (in November
1988), the magazine "School and Production"


• Among the many festivals celebrated in our
country, Mother's Day has a special place. This
holiday, which one can not remain indifferent.
On this day, I want to say thanks to all mothers
who give children love, kindness, tenderness
and affection.


• Thank you for your attention!
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