Norway on the map
In the beginning, it is worth mentioning the type of culture, because as in all countries, it is different and has some of its

Country Norway


Topic: communication with foreign
colleagues. Country - Norway
Made by: Бутяйкин В.Д, П-240

2. Norway on the map

3. In the beginning, it is worth mentioning the type of culture, because as in all countries, it is different and has some of its


Norway is a country with a rich history. The homeland of the
harsh Vikings, today it is one of the most well-fed, calm and
prosperous states in the world. The standard of living in
Norway is one of the highest, as is the level of social
protection. This state attracts not only tourists who want to
join the ancient Scandinavian culture, but also immigrants
who are ready to overcome any difficulties, just to stay here


The average salary in
Norway fluctuates
around five or six
thousand euros a
month, but you also
need to remember
that Norway is an
incredibly expensive
country and, for
example, strong
alcohol in Norway is
not only extremely
expensive - it is also
sold only in
specialized state
stores, Energy also
costs very, very
expensive. The cost
of a family of four for
electricity for one
month can come
close to the mark of
a thousand euros


There is no
deforestation in
Norway at all Norwegians
prefer to buy
wood from
countries that
do not care so
much about
their nature. For
example, in


It is worth mentioning about the conversations. It is not easy
to anger the phlegmatic and calm Norwegians, but if you
succeeded, run! Norwegians are scary in anger. Apparently,
the Viking blood is again affecting. In a normal conversation,
they behave as restrained and friendly people with whom
they have a good time.


It is worth noting that in terms of etiquette it is not
customary to visit guests without an invitation in Norway.
so if you plan to visit a friend there, then agree in advance


This is where my presentation ends. Thanks for your attention
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