Our Environment

Our environment

1. Our Environment


• The environment is all the things we need
to be able to live – clean water to drink
and to wash with, air to breathe and
healthy food to eat. We cant live without
plants and animals. They help to make the
soil, they clean the water and air, and they
give us all our food.


The world is our home and we want to see it
clean and beautiful. At the same time we take
from nature as much as we can. We cut down
forests and build farms, houses, roads and
factories on the land.


• Cars and factories and power stations
pollute the air and make it dangerous to
• People have to drink about all these
ecological problems if they want to


The food we eat is not always healthy as
fruit and vegetables can grow on polluted
soil and become dangerous too. The meat
we get from sheep and cows can be bad for
our health if these sheep and cows eat
grass that grows on polluted land.
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