Артикль. Закрепление.
Прочитайте предложения и исправьте ошибки:
Распределите слова в две колонки: Great Britain, Kremlin, earth, sun, Olya Ivanova, north, moon, Caucasus, Baltic Sea, east,
Заполните пропуски артиклями там, где это необходимо:
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Article. Fastening

1. Артикль. Закрепление.

2. Прочитайте предложения и исправьте ошибки:

There are a foxes in the forest.
I have a orange elephant.
What’s this? It’s book.
F. Chopin was an composer.
My brother is a doctor.
I have one a brother and two sister.

3. Распределите слова в две колонки: Great Britain, Kremlin, earth, sun, Olya Ivanova, north, moon, Caucasus, Baltic Sea, east,

Thames, Lena, Indian
Ocean, Agatha Christie, Africa.
With “the”
Without “the”

4. Заполните пропуски артиклями там, где это необходимо:

My brother is… lawyer. His friend are …lawyers
When I was in …country last summer, I lived on
…farm. …farm wasn’t large but it was nice.
Will you go to …art gallery she told us about?
She has got …son and …daughter. …son like
…apples. …daughter likes …bananas.
My cousin is …best student in the school.


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