Abel Tasman, the discoverer of the Fiji Islands
The founding father of Fijian statehood is considered to be Takombau
The Fiji Museum
Church Of St. Francis-Xavier High
Orchid Island
Beck Island
The animal world of the country is relatively poor
Of greatest interest is the local avifauna
Категория: ГеографияГеография


1. Fiji

2. Flag


Date of independence: 10 October 1970 year
Official languages: English, Fijian, Hindustani
Capital: Suva
Largest city: Suva
Population: 46.4 persons / km2

4. Abel Tasman, the discoverer of the Fiji Islands

5. The founding father of Fijian statehood is considered to be Takombau

6. The Fiji Museum

7. Church Of St. Francis-Xavier High

8. Orchid Island

9. Beck Island

10. Lovoni

11. The animal world of the country is relatively poor

12. Of greatest interest is the local avifauna

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