Похожие презентации:
Irregular Verbs Cards by hegabel
1. BE President of the USA
www.vk.com/egpptBE President of the USA
2. BECOME President of the USA
www.vk.com/egpptBECOME President of the USA
3. Ronaldo BEAT Messi
www.vk.com/egpptRonaldo BEAT Messi
4. BEGIN a day with morning exercises
www.vk.com/egpptBEGIN a day with morning exercises
5. BEND her knees to 90 degrees
www.vk.com/egpptBEND her knees to 90 degrees
6. BITE an apple
www.vk.com/egpptBITE an apple
7. BLOW strongly
www.vk.com/egpptBLOW strongly
8. BREAK the glass
www.vk.com/egpptBREAK the glass
9. BRING some drinks
www.vk.com/egpptBRING some drinks
10. BUILD a nest
www.vk.com/egpptBUILD a nest
11. BURN witches
www.vk.com/egpptBURN witches
12. a balloon BURST
www.vk.com/egppta balloon BURST
13. BUY clothes
www.vk.com/egpptBUY clothes
14. CAN swim very fast
www.vk.com/egpptCAN swim very fast
15. CATCH a ball
www.vk.com/egpptCATCH a ball
16. CHOOSE a blue coat
www.vk.com/egpptCHOOSE a blue coat
17. COME to work in time
www.vk.com/egpptCOME to work in time
18. COST a lot
www.vk.com/egpptCOST a lot
19. CUT onion
www.vk.com/egpptCUT onion
20. DIG a hole
www.vk.com/egpptDIG a hole
21. DO homework
www.vk.com/egpptDO homework
22. DRAW pictures
www.vk.com/egpptDRAW pictures
23. DREAM about the vacation
www.vk.com/egpptDREAM about the vacation
24. DRINK coffee
www.vk.com/egpptDRINK coffee
25. DRIVE his car
www.vk.com/egpptDRIVE his car
26. EAT a sandwich
www.vk.com/egpptEAT a sandwich
27. FALL off the bike
www.vk.com/egpptFALL off the bike
28. FEED the dog
www.vk.com/egpptFEED the dog
29. FEEL good
www.vk.com/egpptFEEL good
30. FIGHT in the pub
www.vk.com/egpptFIGHT in the pub
31. FIND money
www.vk.com/egpptFIND money
32. FLY high
www.vk.com/egpptFLY high
33. FORGET the answer
www.vk.com/egpptFORGET the answer
35. FREEZE products
www.vk.com/egpptFREEZE products
36. GET a present
www.vk.com/egpptGET a present
37. GIVE a bribe
www.vk.com/egpptGIVE a bribe
38. GO for a walk
www.vk.com/egpptGO for a walk
39. GROW vegetables
www.vk.com/egpptGROW vegetables
40. HANG a picture
www.vk.com/egpptHANG a picture
41. HAVE a party
www.vk.com/egpptHAVE a party
42. HEAR some noise
www.vk.com/egpptHEAR some noise
43. HIDE money
www.vk.com/egpptHIDE money
44. HIT the ball
www.vk.com/egpptHIT the ball
45. HOLD a child’s hand
www.vk.com/egpptHOLD a child’s hand
46. his knee HURT
www.vk.com/egppthis knee HURT
48. KEEP silent
www.vk.com/egpptKEEP silent
49. KNOW the truth
www.vk.com/egpptKNOW the truth
50. LAY the table
www.vk.com/egpptLAY the table
51. LEAD people
www.vk.com/egpptLEAD people
52. LEARN English
www.vk.com/egpptLEARN English
53. LEAVE the office
www.vk.com/egpptLEAVE the office
54. LEND the money
www.vk.com/egpptLEND the money
55. LIGHT the room
www.vk.com/egpptLIGHT the room
56. LOSE weight
www.vk.com/egpptLOSE weight
57. MAKE a cake
www.vk.com/egpptMAKE a cake
58. MEAN nothing
www.vk.com/egpptMEAN nothing
59. MEET friends
www.vk.com/egpptMEET friends
60. PAY for goods
www.vk.com/egpptPAY for goods
61. PUT the ball in the hole
www.vk.com/egpptPUT the ball in the hole
62. READ a book
www.vk.com/egpptREAD a book
63. RIDE a horse
www.vk.com/egpptRIDE a horse
64. RING the door bell
www.vk.com/egpptRING the door bell
65. RUN a marathon
www.vk.com/egpptRUN a marathon
66. sun RISE
www.vk.com/egpptsun RISE
67. sun SHINE
www.vk.com/egpptsun SHINE
68. sun SET
www.vk.com/egpptsun SET
69. SAY hello
www.vk.com/egpptSAY hello
70. SEE a black cat
www.vk.com/egpptSEE a black cat
71. SELL flowers
www.vk.com/egpptSELL flowers
72. SEND a message
www.vk.com/egpptSEND a message
73. SET rules
www.vk.com/egpptSET rules
74. SHAKE hands
www.vk.com/egpptSHAKE hands
75. SHOOT a model in the studio
www.vk.com/egpptSHOOT a model in the studio
76. SHOW great results at the exam
www.vk.com/egpptSHOW great results at the exam
77. SHUT the door
www.vk.com/egpptSHUT the door
78. SING in the shower
www.vk.com/egpptSING in the shower
79. SINK in the sea
www.vk.com/egpptSINK in the sea
80. SIT DOWN on the bench
www.vk.com/egpptSIT DOWN on the bench
81. SLEEP at work
www.vk.com/egpptSLEEP at work
83. SMELL a rose
www.vk.com/egpptSMELL a rose
84. SPEAK English
www.vk.com/egpptSPEAK English
85. SPEND time with family
www.vk.com/egpptSPEND time with family
86. SPILL wine on the blouse
www.vk.com/egpptSPILL wine on the blouse
87. SPOIL the broth
www.vk.com/egpptSPOIL the broth
www.vk.com/egpptSTAND UP
89. STEAL the wallet
www.vk.com/egpptSTEAL the wallet
90. STICK to my principles
www.vk.com/egpptSTICK to my principles
91. SWIM deep
www.vk.com/egpptSWIM deep
92. TAKE an umbrella
www.vk.com/egpptTAKE an umbrella
93. TEACH children
www.vk.com/egpptTEACH children
94. TEAR jeans
www.vk.com/egpptTEAR jeans
95. TELL her about himself
www.vk.com/egpptTELL her about himself
96. THINK about buying a house
www.vk.com/egpptTHINK about buying a house
97. THROW rubbish away
www.vk.com/egpptTHROW rubbish away
98. UNDERSTAND grammar rules
www.vk.com/egpptUNDERSTAND grammar rules
99. WAKE UP in the morning
www.vk.com/egpptWAKE UP in the morning
100. WEAR a leather jacket
www.vk.com/egpptWEAR a leather jacket
101. WIN the competition
www.vk.com/egpptWIN the competition
102. WRITE an e-mail
www.vk.com/egpptWRITE an e-mail