Globalisation in Culture and Education
Work with text
Real life example
Advantages of globalisation
Advantages of globalisation
Disadvantages of globalisation
Survey results
Thanks for your attention
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Globalisation in Culture and Education

1. Globalisation in Culture and Education

2. Hypothesis

• Russia’s culture is changing together with the world

3. Work with text

• Correct conclusion: a) Globalisation influences cultures of many nations.
The various cultures of the Russian Federation are influenced by the global
culture, too.

4. Real life example

• Culture in Russia is changing. In the past, people preferred mostly only
Russian films and music. Nowadays, many people are happy to watch foreign
films and listen to foreign music. This happened due to globalisation. We
have gained access to foreign culture.

5. Advantages of globalisation

• The more people of different nations have in common, the easier
communication is.
• People can enjoy not only their nation's cultural achievements but all the
cultural treasures of the world.
• Different nations adopt the same moral and family values.
• All big cities of the world are becoming more and more alike.

6. Advantages of globalisation

• People can feel at home whatever country they are in since they listen to the
same music, watch similar TV programmes and shop in the same
• Having a global language stimulates information exchange.
• Similar educational standards promote student exchange.

7. Disadvantages of globalisation

The traditions and languages of minor nationalities gradually die out.
The young people of many countries are fans of the Internet.
Much of global culture is low standard mass culture.
Globalisation brings harmful forms of other cultures.
Because of globalization, people think more about their rights than about


Does globalisation
influence the various
cultures of Russia?
Don’t know-0
Should people fight
globalisation trends and
protect their national
Don’t know-0
What is the main
advantage of
globalisation for the
various cultures of the
Russian Federation?
People can enjoy not only their culture, but also foreign.
What is the main
disadvantage of
globalisation for the
various cultures of the
Russian Federation?
The cultures and traditions of small nations are dying out

9. Survey results

• Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of
globalisation is that people have common topics for communication.
According to our survey, most people believe that globalisation is very good,
but we need to protect the culture of Russia. The main disadvantage of
globalisation is that it the cultures and traditions of small nations are dying
out. The main advantage of globalisation is that it people can enjoy not only
their culture, but also foreign.

10. Hypothesis

• Our hypothesis was confirmed. The culture of Russia is changing with the

11. Conclusion

• To summarize, we can say that globalisation is good. Already in our time,
culture is changing with great speed. Many cultures mix. It helps people find
common themes, enjoy a foreign culture. But there are also negative
consequences of globalisation. It leads to terrorism and violence.
Unfortunately, in our time it is no longer possible to avoid globalisation. The
most important thing is to try to preserve the most important of Russian

12. Thanks for your attention

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