Hello. I am Алёша. I am 7.
I am ready.
It’s snowy.
What’s your favourite season?
What’s your favourite colour?
What’s your favourite food?
What’s your favourite animal?
What’s your favourite toy?
I get out of bed.
I wash my fase.
I wash my hands.
I clean my teeth.
I comb my hair.
I bend my knees.
I have a glass of milk.
Let’s keep fit.
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Английская история

1. Hello. I am Алёша. I am 7.

I am happy.
I am great.
I am fantastic.

2. I am ready.

I have got my school bag.
I have got my Pupil’s Book.
I have got my pencils.
I have got my Activity Book.

3. It’s snowy.

It’s rainy.
It’s sunny.
It’s cloudy.
It’s windy.

4. What’s your favourite season?

I like summer. It’s hot outside.

5. What’s your favourite colour?

My favourite colour is red.

6. What’s your favourite food?

My favourite food is a banana.

7. What’s your favourite animal?

My favourite animal is a lion.

8. What’s your favourite toy?

My favourite toy is a constructor.

9. I get out of bed.

10. I wash my fase.

11. I wash my hands.

12. I clean my teeth.

13. I comb my hair.

14. I bend my knees.

15. I have a glass of milk.

16. Let’s keep fit.

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