The Passive Voice

The passive voice

1. The Passive Voice

2. Compare the sentences

A professor gives lectures to large groups of students.
Do we know who gives lectures to students?
Does a professor do it himself?
Lectures are given to large groups of students.
Do we know who gives lectures to students?
Is it important who gives lectures?
Is it clear from the situation?

3. The rule

When the subject (a professor) performs the action expressed by
the verb (gives), we use the Active Voice.
The focus is on the doer of the action.
A professor gives lectures to large groups of students.
When the action (are given) is the focus, not the subject or when
the doer is unknown, unimportant or obvious from the context,
we use the Passive Voice.
Lectures are given to large groups of students.

4. How do we form the Passive Voice?

Subject + to
be + V3
Lectures are given to students (Present Simple).
Lectures are being given to students (Present Cont).
Lectures were given to students (Past Simple).
Lectures were being given to students (Past Cont).
Lectures have been given to students (Present Perfect).
Lectures will be given to students (Future - will).

5. Questions

Are lectures given to students? (Present Simple)
Are lectures being given to students? (Present Cont)
Were lectures given to students? (Past Simple)
Were lectures being given to students? (Past Cont)
Have lectures been given to students? (Present Perfect)
Will lectures be given to students? (Future - will)

6. Negative Forms

Lectures are not given to students (Present Simple).
Lectures are not being given to students (Present Cont).
Lectures were not given to students (Past Simple).
Lectures were not being given to students (Past Cont).
Lectures have not been given to students (Present Perfect).
Lectures will not be given to students (Future - will).


8. Change from Active Voice to Passive Voice

Students take A-levels to enter a university.
A successful student does his home work every day.
He is taking notes now.
I attended the English course last term.
She was revising for her exam when her Mum came.
They have already written the test.

9. Complete the sentences. Use Passive Voice

1. All the university exams (take) in July and January.
2. The oldest university in Russia, Moscow State University, (found) in
3. Students (admit) to a university on the bases of the USE.
4. The new university building (build) now.
5. The bachelor’s degree (give) after four years of training.
6. Some years ago applicants (require) to pass entrance exams.
7. I am ready for my English class now: the essay already (write), the
test (do), the assignments (complete).

10. Use the links to get more practice
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