What do you do to help your family?
The aims:
Read the words and match to the sounds (распределите по звукам)
Answer the questions 1. Do you help your mother at home? 2. Do you clean your room? 3. Do you water the flowers? 4. Do you go
water the flowers
do homework
go shopping
make my bed
lay the table
do the washing up
answer phone calls
feed my pets
walk my pet
repair my bike
clean my room
Ответь на вопросы теста и определи, какой ты сын(дочь)?
Homework (домашнее задание).
Well done!!
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

What do you do to help your family?

1. What do you do to help your family?

2. The aims:

1) Repeat – повторить
слова по теме «Семья»
2) Meet – познакомиться
с новыми словами «Домашние
3) Learn – учиться
составлять предложения
4) Remember – запомнить

3. Read the words and match to the sounds (распределите по звукам)

mother, brother, son
to play, game, cake
family, dad, cat, grandpa


Прочтите, выберите слова по теме «Семья»
O mother
O cat
O sister
O frog’s legs
O computer
O daughter
O father
O have got
O friend
O family
O tennis
O brother
O crocodile
O sofa
O grandmother
O ten
O grandfather
O son
O tomato
O fox


O mother (мама)
O brother (брат)
O sister
O grandmother
O daughter
O father (папа)
O family(семья)
9 – 8 – «5»
7 – 6 – «4»
O grandfather
O son (сын)
5 – 4 – «3»

6. Answer the questions 1. Do you help your mother at home? 2. Do you clean your room? 3. Do you water the flowers? 4. Do you go

O Спиши слова со слайдов 7-17 с
переводом в словарь (тетрадь), выучи

7. water the flowers

8. do homework

9. go shopping

10. make my bed

11. lay the table

12. do the washing up

13. answer phone calls

14. feed my pets

15. walk my pet

16. repair my bike

17. clean my room


O Проверь себя, какие слова ты можешь перевести
O ...go shopping.
O ...make my bed.
O ...lay the table.
O ...repair my bicycle.
O ...answer phone calls.
O ...clean my room.
O ...feed my pets.
O ...water the flowers.


20. Ответь на вопросы теста и определи, какой ты сын(дочь)?

O 1) Can you say when your mother's (father's)
birthday is?
2) Are you always polite and kind with your
3) Do you lay the table?
4) Do you clean your room?
5) Do you go shopping?
6) Do you do the washing up?
7) Do you make your bed?
8) Do you feed your pet?
9) Do you take care of your little brother (sister)?

21. Results

O 8 - 10 "yes" - you are an ideal
O 6 - 8 "yes" - you are a good
O 4 - 5 "yes"- you must try to be
O less than 4 "yes" - I'm sorry for
your parents."


O Must children help their parents?
O Do parents help their children?
So, children and parents help one

23. Homework (домашнее задание).

*Ex.19, p.71 читать вслух, отправить голосовым
*Учить слова слайды 7-17
*учебник стр.82 (упр.1,2,3,5,6) письменно,
прислать фото тетради
*стр.71 (упр.18 – учить 2 формы глаголов)

24. Well done!!

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