What did you do on Sundays?
Past Simple
Вспомни: прочти и переведи
Вопросительные слова
Составь предложения
Проверь себя
Послушай, найди правильное продолжение, запиши в тетрадь
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Past simple. What did you do on sundays

1. What did you do on Sundays?

2. Past Simple

Действие, о котором мы рассказываем,
произошло в прошлом yesterday, last, ago
Вторая форма глагола образуется по-разному:
- к правильным глаголам прибавляется
- неправильные глаголы изменяются в V2
go – went, see - saw

3. Вспомни: прочти и переведи

Be – was, were
Catch - caught
Come -came
Cut - cut
Do - did
Draw - drew
Drink - drank
Fall - fell
Fly - flew
Give - gave
Go - went
Have - had
Let - let
Make - made
Meet - met
Put - put
Run - ran
Say - said
See - saw
Sit - sat
Take - took
Think - thought
Write - wrote


Past Simple
отрицательная форма
I went (V2 ) to the park yesterday.
Для образования отрицательной формы
нужны 2 глагола:
1. – вспомогательный did
2. – смысловой V1
I didn’t go in the park yesterday.


Past Simple
вопросительная форма
I went (V2 ) to the park yesterday.
Для образования вопросительной формы
нужны 2 глагола:
1. – вспомогательный Did
2. – смысловой V1
Did you go to the park yesterday?


Past Simple
краткие ответы

7. Вопросительные слова

When did Mrs Wilson have lunch?
…. did Mr and Mrs Wilson get
up early?
…. did the grandfather buy?
…. did the grandmother make a
…. was six years old?
…. people came to see the
grandma and the grandpa?
How many?

8. Составь предложения

1) play, puzzles, didn’t, Becky, yesterday.
2) my, three days ago, I, rоde, bike.
3) got, grandma, My, two, letters, yesterday.
4) were, the, country, summer, in, They, last.

9. Проверь себя

Becky didn’t play puzzles yesterday.
I rode my bike three days ago.
My grandma got two letters yesterday.
They were in the country last summer.

10. Послушай, найди правильное продолжение, запиши в тетрадь

1. Alex has got…
a) a mother, a father and a sister.
b) a mother, a father and a grandmother.
c) a mother, a father and a brother.
2. On Sundays Alex’s family like to…
a) ride horses in the country.
b) ride bikes in the country.
c) ride scooters in the park.


Скажи что ты любишь делать по
Skate, draw pictures, read books,
play chess / tennis / the piano,
make a snowman, watch TV / video,
play puzzles / hide-and-seek,
ride (my) bike / scooter, write letters,
play with (my) toys, listen to music,
roller skate, take photos, fly a kite,
have a picnic


Запиши в тетрадь 2 предложения
о себе
On Saturdays I like to play
computer games.
On Saturdays I like to read


Измени и запиши предложения
во множественном числе
This is a house. – These are houses.
My foot is big. – My feet are big.
This is a boy.
This is a baby.
That is a book.
Is that a ball?
This isn’t a mouse.
6. That isn’t a cat.
7. My tooth is white.
8. This is a man.
9. This is a knife.
10.That is his pen.
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