Похожие презентации:
Space Tourism
1. Space Tourism
.2. At the lesson:
*At the lesson:You need to learn the information about space tourism and express you
point of view on this topic.
Еx. 5 page 165 – 166 ( you should read, translate
and answer the questions after the text )
“Out of This World”
3. Answer These Questions:
*Answer These Questions:*1. When did the era of space tourism
*2. Who was the first space tourist?
*3. How many companies provide space
tourism in the world?
4. Your Homework:
*Your Homework:*Would you like to be a space tourist? Why? Why not?
(Отвечают учащиеся 11 Б класса,5 предложений)
*Do you think if it is possible to built orbital cities in space in
the nearest future? Support your argument.
(Отвечают учащиеся 11 А класса, 8 предложений)
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