
Modern collection, processing and analysis of legal information. The state legal statistics


Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of
The Karaganda State university of E.A. Buketova
"Modern collection, processing and analysis of
legal information"
The State Legal Statistics
B.A. Amanzholova

2. The state legal statistics

The state legal statistics is a branch of the
state statistics, based on the centralized
system of departmental accounts in the penal,
civil, administrative and legal scopes.

3. Legal statistics

Legal statistics is one of the branches of statistical
science. It displays the quantitative side of various social
phenomena, which associated with the implementation of
legal liability, characterizes the level, structure, dynamics
causes of offenses.
Using the data of legal statistics, we can also describe the
activities of internal affairs agencies, prosecutors, court
officials, correctional labor institutions, economic courts,
notaries and others.

4. There are several types of legal statistics.

civil statistics
penal statistics
administrative and legal statistics

5. Civil statistics

Civil statistics – a branch of the state legal
statistics on the state of civil relations, civil
proceedings and enforcement proceedings in the
civil scope

6. Penal statistics

Penal statistics – a branch of the state legal
statistics on the state of criminality, criminal
proceedings, enforcement proceedings in
the penal scope, application of punishment
and other measures of penal influence for
commission of criminal infractions.

7. Administrative and legal statistics

Administrative and legal statistics – a
branch of the state legal statistics on the
state of administrative infractions and legal
proceedings on administrative infractions.


The legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on
the state legal statistics shall be based on the
Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
consist of the Law of the Republic of
Kazakhstan dated 22 December, 2003 No.510
“On the State Legal Statistics and Special
Accounts” and other regulatory legal acts of the
Republic of Kazakhstan.


Persons, guilty in violation of the legislation of the
Republic of Kazakhstan on the state legal statistics
and special accounts shall bear responsibility in
the manner established by the Laws of the
Republic of Kazakhstan.

10. The subject of the state legal statistics

The subject of the state legal statistics shall be
the quantitative part of the mass legal or other
legally significant events and processes in the
particular conditions of place and time for the
purposes of revelation of their qualitative
peculiarity, trends and regularity of development.
The subject of special accounts shall be
documented information, characterizing a set of
mass legal or other legally significant events by
statistical observation

11. Basic tasks of the state legal statistic

effective and sufficient information support of
the state bodies, individuals and legal entities on
the state of legality and legal order in country on
the basis of unified statistical principles and
improvement and development of the state
legal statistical information system.

12. The state legal statistics a shall be carried out on the principles of:

of management of the state legal statistical information
objectivity, sufficiency, stability and legal compatibility
of legal statistical information;
and openness of legal statistical information within
the limits established by the legislation of the Republic of
observance of rights and legal interests of person and
citizen, legal entities and the state.

13. Committee for Legal Statistics and Special Accounts of the State Office of Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Activity of Committee is regulated by Laws RK “On State
Legal Statistics and Special Accounts”, “On Office of
Public Prosecutor”, Regulation “On Committee on Legal
Statistics and Special Accounts of State Office of Public
Prosecutor RK”, and also other normative-legal acts.


Primary objectives of Committee for Legal
Statistics and Special Accounts of the State
Office of Public Prosecutor of the Republic
of Kazakhstan and its territorial divisions
(regional Administrations) is forming and
providing reliability of the state legal
statistical information; providing observance
of rights and freedom of citizens,legitimate
interests of citizens, legal persons and the
state at formation of legal statistics and
conducting of special accounts.


Subjects of legal statistics and special accounts are
law-machinery, judicial and other state agencies
which according to the legislation of the Republic
of Kazakhstan give the legal statistical information
to authorized agency, i.e. to Committee and its
territorial Administrations, for the purposes of the
state legal statistics, conducting special accounts,
studying and analysis of documentary information
applied in criminally-legal, civil, administrative

16. Subjects of legal statistics and special accounts shall be obliged to:

present information and accounting documents, other
necessary materials and details to the authorized body
in the manner, within the limits, volumes and terms,
which are established by the authorized body;
provide integrity, objectivity, reliability and
sufficiency of legal statistical information and carry out
control of completeness and reliability of
representation of legal statistical information within
their powers;


insure safety of received details,
constituting the state secrets and legally
protected secrets
register the acts on assignment of
verifications, conducted in accordance with
the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Thank you.
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