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Stylistic devices


Stylistic devices
Venera Utebayeva


Stylistic devices
based on the interaction of syntactic constructions of
several contact clauses or sentences
based on the interaction of types and forms of connection
between clauses and sentences
based on the transposition of meaning of a syntactic
structure in the given context


Syntactical stylistic devices
Syntactic stylistic devices
are the ways of combination
of sentence models within a
supra-phrasal unit,
paragraph, text.
A supra-phrasal unit is a
combination of sentences
presenting a structural and
semantic unity backed up by
rhythmic and melodic unity.
A paragraph is a graphical
term used to name a group
of sentences marked off by
indentation at the beginning
and a break in the line at the
The rhetorical question
does not demand any
information but serves to
express the emotions of the
speaker and also to call the
attention of listeners.


Syntactical stylistic devices
depends on either the completeness of the structure
or on the arrangement of its members
E. Waugh's novel Vile Bodies:
"Well, Tony rang up Michael and told him that I'd said
that William, thought Michael had written the review
because of the reviews I had written of Michael's book
last November, though, as a matter of fact, it was Tony
himself who wrote it." (E.W.)


Syntactical Stylistic Devices
‘Stop!’ – she cried. ‘Don’t tell me! I don’t want to hear: I
don’t want to hear what you’ve come for. I don’t want to
It is the repetition of the same word at the beginning of two
or more phrases.
Inversion / Change of word order aims
Epiphora is the repetition at the end of a phrase.
“I am exactly the man to be placed in a superior
position in such a case as that. I am above the rest of
mankind, in such a case as that. I can act with
philosophy in such a case as that”.
‘Talent Mr. Micawber has; capital Mr. Micawber has not’
Came frightful days of snow and rain.
Detached Construction
It is a secondary part of a sentence, placed so that it seems
formally independent of the word it logically refers to.
‘Steyne rose up, grinding his teeth, pale, and with fury
un his eyes’.


Syntactical Stylistic Devices
It is a qualifying, explanatory or
appositive word, phrase, sentence, etc.
which interrupts a syntactic construction,
giving an utterance an additional
meaning or emotional colouring.
‘Carl, a great singer, was not a good
Parallel Construction
‘And so, from hour to hour, we ripe
and ripe,
And then, from hour to hour, we rot
and rot’.


Syntactical Stylistic Devices
Chiasmus / Reversed Parallel Construction
1. ‘In peace sons bury their their fathers,
‘But in war fathers bury their sons’.
2. ‘Down dropped the breeze,
‘The sails dropped down’.
Anadiplosis / Reduplication
• ‘A smile would come into Mr. Pickwick’s face: the smile extended into a laugh:
the laugh into a roar, and the roar become general’.


Syntactical Stylistic Devices
Climax / Gradation
It is the arrangement which secures a gradual increase
in significance, importance or emotional tension in the
‘It was a lovely city, a beautiful city, a fair city, a
veritable gem of a city’.
Quantative climax is an evident increase in the volume
of the concepts:
‘They looked at hundreds of houses, they climbed
thousands of stairs they inspected innumerable


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