Похожие презентации:
How we did the research
zNikita Ivanov 8a
How we did the
zHow we chose the topic for research
we were faced with a choice of what topic to study, and in
the end everyone agreed that we should take the topic of
earthquakes in Japan. Then we decided to divide this topic into
6 parts , and each of the students got 2 topics. We also
formulated goals and tasks for the work. Aim to study the
problem of natural disasters in japan . Natural disasters are
fvequent in Japan thousands of people suttee from them . Lets
explore the cause of the most tompon natural disasters and find out
it they can he fredicted and picevented in advente .
zHow I started working on the research
I started working on tasks 3 and 4, I was thinking about how to
design a study and which sites I should get information from , in
the class we already came up with an introduction to our
research. When the outline of my research was ready, I showed
it to my teacher , who corrected the mistakes and pointed out
the shortcomings in the work.
zin search of information on the project, I visited a large number
of different sites , with the help of which I was able to correctly
process the information and put it into research
zIn this work, we learned a lot of new and interesting things , it
was very interesting to find information for the research , it was a
very cool experience for me , thank you very much for your