Категория: БиографииБиографии

Maksim Gorky


Maksim Gorky
completed by: Pronicheva Valeria


Name, why is famous
Maxim Gorky (1868-1936)famous Russian writer and


Date of birth, place, family
Born March 16 (28), 1868 in Nizhny
Novgorod in a poor family of a
carpenter. His real name is Alexey
Peshkov. The father of the future writer,
Maxim Peshkov, was a carpenter, and
his mother, Varvara Kashirina, came
from a poor bourgeois family.


Early years
Childhood passed in harsh,
difficult conditions. From an
early age, the future writer
was forced to do part-time
jobs, earning a living with
whatever he had to.


For the first and officially only time, he
married at the age of 28. The young
man met his wife Yekaterina Volzhina
at the publishing house of
"Samarskaya Gazeta", where the girl
worked as a proofreader. A year after
the wedding, a son, Maxim,
appeared in the family, and soon a
daughter, Catherine, named after her


Date- place of death
Maxim Gorky died on June 18,
1936 in the village of Gorki
(Moscow region) under mysterious
circumstances. It was rumored
that the cause of his death was
poisoning, and many blamed
Stalin for this. However, this version
was never confirmed.
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