Похожие презентации:
General and alternative questions
general and alternative questions2.
Tasks1. Задайте общие вопросы к предложениям.
• The weather is cold today. (Сегодня холодная погода.) – Is the weather cold today? (Погода
холодная сегодня?)
John was tired after work. (Джон устал после работы.)
Summer has started at last. (Лето началось, наконец-то.)
They have already left. (Они уже ушли.)
She can lose her temper easily. (Она может легко выйти из себя.)
The party will start in time. (Вечеринка начнется во время.)
The dogs are sleeping. (Собаки спят.)
The umbrella was broken. (Зонт был сломан.)
He always gives money to homeless children. (Он всегда дает деньги
беспризорным детям.)
2. Задайте альтернативные вопросы к предложениям, используя предлагаемыев скобках варианты.
Н-р: There are five eggs in the fridge. (В холодильнике 5 яиц.) (ten – десять) – Are
there five or ten eggs in the fridge? (В холодильнике 5 или 10 яиц?)
He will study French in Canada. (Он будет изучать французский в Канаде.)
(German – немецкий)
They are football fans. (Они – футбольные фанаты.) (hockey – хоккей)
Her granny can tell fortunes from cards. (Ее бабушка умеет предсказывать по
картам.) (candles – свечи)
I have made an apple-pie. (Я приготовила яблочный пирог.) (a banana cake –
банановый торт)
Ann bought a nice dress yesterday. (Аня купила красивое платье вчера.) (a skirt –
This car was manufactured in Japan. (Эта машина была произведена в Японии.)
(Germany – Германия)
They must pay for the taxi. (Они должны заплатить за такси.) (the lunch - обед)
The trips around the Russian Federation( Переведите тексты)
• Lake Baikal is a lake located in eastern Siberia.This is the deepest lake on our planet and the
largest natural reservoir of fresh water. Lake
Baikal is also widely known for its endemic fauna.
Water in the lake is very clean and clear. There
are 27 islands and the biggest one is called
• Numerous rivers and streams flow into Lake
Baikal. The Angara is the only river that flows out
from the lake.
Questions:1. What is the historical and political heart of
2.What kind of building is the residence of the
Russian tsars?
3. Is Kazan Kremlin the oldest part of Kazan?
4.Where is lake Baikal located?
5. What island is the biggest in lake Baikal?
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достопримечательность России.( 10 -15
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