Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Read the text at page 21 in your student’s book


1) Read the text at page 21 in your student’s
book and mark the sentences as True, False or
Not stated.
1. The Pow Wow is the only event of its kind in
the USA.
2. The Pow Wow begins with the Grand
3. The best dancers win
4. Everyone makes their own
5. Only Native Americans can attend the


2) Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
celebration / traditions /gifts / colours / has arrived / start
Easter (Paskha) is the highest ________of the Ortho
dox Church. Easter celebrations _________ the night
before Easter Sunday. Churches are filled with lights,
and at dawn the bells ring out to announce that Easte
r_______ . There are several _______associated with
Easter in Russia. Russians don’t give chocolate eggs, t
hey paint boiled eggs in bright _________and give th
em as_______ . People also give colourful decorated
wooden eggs. It is also traditional to give an Easter ca
ke (kulich). Some people also like to give small toy chi
cks to represent the start of spring.


3) Put the verbs in brackets in Past Simple.
1. She _____ (go) to the park yesterday.
2. They _____(play) chess a week ago.
3. He______ (write) a letter to his friend last
4. She______(dance) in a palace in her dreams.
5. She_______ (be) in Italy last year
and (make) a beautiful film about it.


4)Put the verbs in brackets in present
1. Be quiet! I ________(listen) to the news.
2. He ________(travel) around the world
for 5 years.
3. The working day_________ (just begin).
4. They _______ (always argue)!
5. The Volga _____(flow) into the Caspian
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