
Moving Forward Together. Samruk-Energy JSC


Moving Forward
Proposal for audit services for the
years 2022-2024
Samruk-Energy JSC
November 2021


Building trust in society and solving important problems
Dana Inkarbekova
Mark Warner
Azamat Konratbaev
Darkhan Sultanov
Dias Zhamalov
Lead audit partner
Audit quality review
Assurance leader
Assurance manager
Assurance manager
Samruk-Energy JSC
PwC Kazakhstan
November 2021


Continuity and fresh
perspective for Samruk-Energy JSC
We know each other
We cooperate with Samruk-Energy JSC and have been the
auditor of financial statements for 9 years. Deep and outstanding
knowledge of the Group's business and our audit approach has
been improved over the years and tailored to Samruk-Energy
audit that enables us to efficiently resolve complex technical
matters and focus on key matters that are most important from
your perspective. We rotate key team members and experts
regularly for fresh perspectives.
Samruk-Energy JSC
PwC Kazakhstan
November 2021


Continuity and fresh
perspective for Samruk-Energy JSC
Commitment to deadlines
We share our knowledge
We know how important it is to deliver the audit on time and
meet all agreed deadlines. Group has a complex structure
and over 20 subsidiaries. We support management in
improving Year-End closing processes, indicate issues in
advance and provide recommendations. We are committed
to work with you on the audit timetable that ensures delivery
of auditor’s reports in line with the deadlines required by
Samruk-Kazyna JSC.
PwC is engaged in the audit of more than 50% of Power
and Utility entities of Kazakhstan.
Samruk-Energy JSC
PwC Kazakhstan
We share the latest news on the Power and Utilities industry
with you. You'll also find support from experts at PwC for
the present challenges to preparers of financial statements.
Our support is also provided to all component auditors of
the Group subsidiaries.
November 2021


Continuity and fresh
perspective for Samruk-Energy JSC
Experienced team
Top quality services
Dana Inkarbekova is the proposed lead audit partner. Support
by component audit partners - Azamat Konratbaev, Kumarbek
Berdikulov, Almaz Sadykov. Mark Warner will hold his role as
Top audit quality is the foundation of
PwC’s audit services. Our audits are
regularly inspected by the PwC global
quality team and reviewed by local
regulators. We conduct our audits in
accordance with International Standards on
Auditing. PwC meets the requirements of
International Quality Standard no. 1.
We provide fresh look at audit of financial statements by rotating
team and enhancing audit approach every year. Our best people
to serve – all managers have sufficient experience with the
Group and possess professional qualifications.
Samruk-Energy JSC
PwC Kazakhstan
November 2021


Continuity and fresh
perspective for Samruk-Energy JSC
Active communication
guarantees no surprises
during the audit
We promptly inform management of any
important issues arising during the audit and
assist in their resolution. We will remain in
touch with you throughout the financial year
to ensure that all potential issues are
identified, communicated and resolved
jointly as soon as possible.
Samruk-Energy JSC
PwC Kazakhstan
Increased audit
Latest audit regulatory requirements in the
area of audit clients acceptance bring new
challenges to audit networks across the
globe. Continuity of the relationship with
Samruk-Energy will allow to avoid
unnecessary actions and transition process
will be less disruptive.
ESG transition
With recent changes in sustainability
regulations,we are ready to help you to
make the right choices to position them in a
sustainable tomorrow and support you to
implement ESG aspects into everyday
November 2021


Latest technologies in audit process
We use our latest audit technologies
and data analysis tools
(Aura, Connect, Data Snipper,
Alteryx) which significantly improve
audit quality and efficiency.
Samruk-Energy JSC
PwC Kazakhstan
November 2021


How our people are reimagining audit
Bringing our whole selves, we’re passionate about making a difference for you every day
The engine that
powers your audit
Data snipper
Your digital communicator
Data – Information – Insight
This is our global ERP system and used on
all audits everywhere. Aura drives audit
quality and allows us to manage the
delivery of the audit more efficiently. It
defines key risk areas, controls reliance and
testing for group and statutory audits. Aura
is linked to Connect so we can show you
the status of the entire Samruk-Energy JSC
audit in a single digital dashboard.
Our collaborative workflow tool allows
real-time communication between your
teams and ours at every step of the
audit. You can use the personalised
dashboard to track audit status overall
or at entity level. Information on audit
adjustments, control deficiencies and
our audit reporting can all be accessed
in one place.
DataSnipper is an intelligent audit
platform within Excel that improves the
speed and quality of audit.
Simplifies your preparation for the audit
Secure information sharing
Automated process of supporting
documentation review
Automations/workflows – speeding up
data processing and audit procedures.
Real-time monitoring of audit progress
and information flows
Greater audit efficiency through
automated testing
Focus and automation at scale.
Extra insights on process and controls
Digitally upskilled team
Supports fast and efficient issue
Workflow sharing across teams and
industry specialists
Industry-specific audit libraries help
teams identify the right risks and
perform the right work on them precisely
Better understanding of your business
through end-to-end visibility of the audit
Consistent quality of audit delivery
Real-time monitoring of engagement
quality and progress from everywhere
Aura here
Samruk-Energy JSC
PwC Kazakhstan
Connect here
Data snipper here
Data analysis
a platform that helps to discover,
prepare and analyze data. More
powerful than Excel and easier than
SQL. We are introducing a suite of
automated workflows and tools for
tasks including but not limited to report
generation, transaction sampling,
interest calculation and testing of
impairment models.
Discover Alteryx
November 2021


The experience revolution is here
Advantages for Samruk-Energy:
Practical Examples:
Tailored innovations.
Just for your audit.
Tailored innovations.
Just for your audit.
Innovative solutions allow to decrease a time required to complete
audit procedures substantially and meet the deadlines.
Audit of the billing system (AlmatyEnergoSbyt – electricity retail in
PwC Big Data experts invested over 1,000 hours to develop a number
of Alteryx solutions tailored to Samruk-Energy engagement.
Checking and reconciliation of group reporting forms and other
financial disclosures of over 20 subsidiaries.
Big data helps PwC to streamline the reporting process, identify
business risks in time and conduct more relevant and accurate audits.
Checking group consolidated financial reports.
Working remotely during COVID-19 demonstrated another important
benefits of Big Data tools. Efficient approach – less volume of testing,
lower disturbance of the client’s personnel, higher accuracy and
minimization of human error.
Journal entry testing for fraud and misstatements.
Recalculation of Inventory Provision, Expected Credit Losses and etc.
Overall, Data Analysis tools reduced audit timeline by 10 days and helped
meet tight deadlines. PwC is a pioneer in the development and application
of data analysis tools for auditing in Kazakhstan.
Samruk-Energy JSC
PwC Kazakhstan
November 2021


The experience revolution is here
Example of Alteryx solution for consolidation of group reporting forms for Samruk-Energy
Samruk-Energy JSC
PwC Kazakhstan
November 2021


The experience revolution is here
Example of Alteryx solution for identification of any unusual transactions and general ledger completeness test
developed for Samruk-Energy audit purposes
Samruk-Energy JSC
PwC Kazakhstan
November 2021


Key takeaways
Proven track record/focus on
meeting deadlines
Audit quality and use of
Smooth adoption of new
accounting and audit standards
Experienced teams of 30 + toprated people - to deliver the best
quality services
Samruk-Energy JSC
PwC Kazakhstan
November 2021


Thank you!
© 2021 PwC. All rights reserved. Not for further distribution without the permission of PwC. “PwC” refers to the network of member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (PwCIL), or, as the context requires, individual
member firms of the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity and does not act as agent of PwCIL or any other member firm. PwCIL does not provide any services to clients. PwCIL is not responsible or liable for the acts
or omissions of any of its member firms nor can it control the exercise of their professional judgment or bind them in any way. No member firm is responsible or liable for the acts or omissions of any other member firm nor can it control
the exercise of another member firm’s professional judgment or bind another member firm or PwCIL in any way.


Samruk-Energy JSC
PwC Kazakhstan
November 2021
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