Hippies believe:


1. Hippie

author: Darya Papilina
10 class


• The hippie subculture was
originally a youth
movement that arose in
the United States during
the mid-1960s and spread
to other countries around
the world.


• Hippie spread in the
West, and also in
Australia, Mexico and
• Hippie fashions and
values had a major effect
on culture, influencing
popular music , television,
film, literature, and the


• The flowering of movement
was in the late 1960s - early
1970s. Originally hippies
protesting the Puritan morality
of some Protestant churches,
as well as promoted the desire
to return to the natural purity
through love and pacifism.
One of the most famous
slogans of the hippies: «Make
love, not war!».

5. Hippies believe:

• that people should be free;
• that freedom can be achieve
only by changing the
internal structure of the
• the beauty and freedom are
identical to each other and
that the implementation
one and the other is a
purely spiritual problem;
• that spiritual community an ideal form of the hostel
• that all who think otherwise
are mistaken.

6. Lifestyle

• They don’t comfort to
society’s standards,
showing this by dressing
in unusual clothes, having
long hair and living in
groups together.
• For them loving means
accepting others as they
are, giving freedom to do
as one pleases and to go
where the flow takes you.

7. Appearance

• It is not so difficult to look
like a traditional hippie ~
a pair of worn-out blue
jeans, long hair tied with
strings and a couple of
decorative chains. They
have noticed that if you
are wearing your long
hair and your jeans are
old, you have easier time
on the road.

8. Symbols

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