
Ecological problems in India



Urbanization (or urbanisation) refers to
the population shift from rural to urban
areas, the decrease in the proportion of
people living in rural areas, and the ways
in which societies adapt to this change.]
It is predominantly the process by which
towns and cities are formed and become
larger as more people begin living and
working in central areas.


Lack of
Socio economic
Exposure etc.


ANIISATION in India began to accelerate
independence, due to the country's
tion of a mixed economy , which gave rise to
evelopment of the private sector.
nisation is taking place at quite a rapid rate
dia. Population residing in urban areas in
, according to 1901 census, was 11.4%.[1] This
t increased to 28.53% according to 2001
us, and crossing 30% as per 2011 census,
ding at 31.16%.In 2017, the numbers
ased to 34%, according to The World Bank.[4]
rding to a survey by UN State of the World
lation report in 2007, by 2030, 40.76% of
try's population is expected to reside in
n areas.[5] As per World Bank, India, along
China, Indonesia, Nigeria, and the United
s, will lead the world's urban population
e by 2050.




haracteristics of
nization include,
ured facilities,
ential, employment
e, communication
ork, infrastructural
ies, size, density of
ation, family,
age, occupation,
extremes, social
ogeneity, social
nce, system of
ction and mobility.




ban sprawl or real expansion of
cities, both in population and
ographical area, of rapidly
wing cities is the root cause of
an problems. In most cities the
onomic base is incapable of
aling with the problems created
their excessive size. Massive
migration from rural areas as
l as from small towns into big
es has taken place almost
nsistently; thereby adding to the
e of cities.


Overcrowding is
a situation in
which too many
people live in too
little space.
Overcrowding is
a logical
consequence of
in urban areas. I


crowding leads to a chronic
em of shortage of houses in
areas. This problem is
ically more acute in those
areas where there is large
of unemployed or
employed immigrants who
no place to live in when they
cities/towns from the
unding areas.


he problem of
nemployment is no less
erious than the problem of
ousing mentioned above.
rban unemployment in India
estimated at 15 to 25 per
ent of the labour force. This
ercentage is even higher
mong the educated people.


The natural sequel of unchecked, unplanned
and haphazard growth of urban areas is the
growth and spread of slums and squatter
settlements which present a striking feature in
the ecological structure of Indian cities,
especially of metropolitan centres


h traffic bottleneck and traffic
gestion, almost all cities and
ns of India are suffering from
te form of transport problem.
nsport problems increase and
ome more complex as the town
ws in size. With its growth, the
n performs varied and complex
ctions and more people travel to
k or shop.


at is one of the most essential
ments of nature to sustain life and
t from the beginning of urban
isation, sites for settlements have
ays been chosen keeping in view
availability of water to the
abitants of the settlement.
wever, supply of water started
ng short of demand as the cities
w in size and number.


ewerage Problems:
an areas in India are almost
ariably plagued with insufficient
inefficient sewage facilities. Not a
gle city in India is fully sewered.
ource crunch faced by the
nicipalities and unauthorised
wth of the cities are two major
ses of this pathetic state of affairs


rash Disposal:
ndian cities grow in number and
the problem of trash disposal is
uming alarming proportions. Huge
ntities of garbage produced by our
es pose a serious health problem.
st cites do not have proper
ngements for garbage disposal
the existing landfills are full to the
m. These landfills are hotbeds of
ase and innumerable poisons
king into their surroundings.


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